OK, I've got some strangeness here.  So I call NAnt from a different machine 
using PSExec to call it.  On all but one of our apps that I build this way 
(close to 100 total), all's cool.  This one, however, fails from psexec where 
it succeeds directly from the command line.  The difference between this 
project and all others is that this project has C++ projects in it.  The error 
is always something like:

[cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\Documents and Settings\me\Local 
Settings\Temp\tmp13AE.tmp" /EHsc /FR".\Release/" /W3 /Od /ZI /RTC1 /MT 
/nologo)' in 'D:\MyBuildFolder\MyCPlusPlusProject'

When I build this at the command line, it would succeed with the only 
difference being another folder like 14 or something under the Temp directory.  
I can reproduce this by trying to call the build from a regular cmd.exe 
window.  So... I tried to add the following line to the build file:

  <exec program="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 
2003\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat" timeout="30000" />

Same error.  Anyone with a clue?


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