I see that the latest beta build of Nant 0.86 is supposed to support
Silverlight 2.  I am running the latest nightly build, but have been unable
to build my Silverlight project.

I'm using the CSC task as follows:

<target name="ExecutiveViewSite" description="Builds the Executive View
    <csc target="library"
      <sources basedir="ExecutiveView.Site">
        <exclude name="**/obj/**" />
        <include name="**/*.cs" />
      <resources basedir="ExecutiveView.Site" dynamicprefix="true"
        <exclude name="**/obj/**" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/Microsoft.Windows.Controls.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Input.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/mscorlib.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/RichTextEdit.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/system.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Core.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Net.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Runtime.Serialization.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.ServiceModel.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Windows.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Windows.Browser.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Windows.Controls.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Windows.Controls.Data.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Xml.dll" />
        <include name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Xml.Linq.dll" />
name="${reference.path}/silverlight/System.Xml.Serialization.dll" />

The error I receive when it tries to compile one of my converters is

5): error CS1061: 'ExecutiveView.Site.AiringCellBackgroundColors' does not
contain a definition for 'Border_Red' and no extension
method 'Border_Red' accepting a first argument of type
'ExecutiveView.Site.AiringCellBackgroundColors' could be found (are you mis
sing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Now, in the code, Border_Red is being pulled from App.Resources, which is
the resource dictionary in the App.xaml file.  So I figured I needed to add
the compilation of *.xaml files to the sources section, but that causes the
following errors on all of the xaml files in my project.

error CS0116: A namespace does not directly contain members such as fields
or methods

Am I not marking something up correctly?

I tried to use the MSBuild task, which works fine for compilation, but it
fails after that because my project has post-build events for copying
Windsor Castle config files on successful build; and I haven't found a
command line switch for ignoring post-build events with MSBuild.

Any help would be appreciated.

Larry Wanzer
Turner Broadcasting Systems
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