Has anyonepassed project parameters before if so what is the syntax.  The
link to this broken on the Script Task Reference page.


I thought that in the ScriptMain(project as Project) that I could use any of
the available properties in the build file. For instance


<project name="get">

<property name="test" value="TestTEST"/>

<property name="srcURL" value="C:\test\src" />


Then in 

Public Shared Sub ScriptMain(project As Project)


Can I do the following:




Write (project.${test}


Write (project.srcURL)


Write (${srcURL})


End Sub


When I clicked on the parameter project link in the Script Task Reference I
get an error therefore I could not look further.


So basically, I want to reference global properties from the ScriptMain ,
can I do that since I am passing in project?


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