> I want to dynamic generate a nant file for nant task use. I use
> echo file to
> generate. But property change to value that I don't want.for
> example:
> <echo file="test.xml">&lt;property name=&quot;generateTime&quot;
> value=&quot;${datetime::now()}&quot;</echo>
> test.xml would become like
> <property name="generateTime" value="2010 12 3 18:23">
> How can I let it become below
> <property name="generateTime" value="${datetime::now()}">
> Thanks.

I think if you separate it out then it should work.. something like:

<echo file="test.xml">&lt;property name=&quot;generateTime&quot; 
value=&quot;${"$" + "datetime::now()}"}&quot;</echo>

Although there may be some way to escape the ${} thing with a back slash or an 
extra $... but I'm too lazy to check the code. ;)


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