And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.5 (32)
>Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 11:29:26 -0800
>From: Robert Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Thanksgiving Food and Supply Run results
>Here is a caravan report from Michael Gerell.
>Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 00:36:22 -0800
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Gerell)
>Subject: Re: Keepin in touch
>Here's a short report on the supply run.  I guess this is all i'm gonna
>publish on the thing unless somebody needs more.
>The 1998 Thanksgiving Food and Supply Run to support the people resisting
>relocation from Big Mountain brought many people from the four directions
>to Black Mesa, Star Mountain, Sand Springs, Thin Rock Mesa, and the rest of
>the HPL.  We came to offer our support in the people's struggle against the
>Government's plan to remove them from their anceatral homelands.  They seek
>only to maintain their life way living on the land that bore them and that
>nutures their spirit even more than their bodies.  Yet in the name of
>profit and power the corporate state would destroy not only the land but
>the people who call her Mother.  Ours was but a small jesture of support
>and solidarity for a people so much a part of the land that they choose a
>life of poverty and oppresion to preserve their sacred connection.  When,
>in the 1860's, they were first removed from their lands many sickened and
>died from not only disease but from spirit sickness as well.  It is
>happening again today as those who have relocated die prematurely and
>within a short time of relocating.  Kit Carson came with armed troops to
>burn the people off and herd them to the concentration camps.  If they have
>to the government may resort to similar tactics this time.  Only by keeping
>the light of global awareness shining in their eyes can the minions of
>corporate greed be kept from applying brute force to remove these last
>obsticales to their masters malignant avarice.
>Thanks to the generous support of several Northern California coops thru
>the Mountain Peoples Warehouse, the Indigenous Peoples Project and the
>contributions of many people from all over the west and in combination with
>caravans from Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, and California we
>were able to deliver food and supplies to 100 families.  Each family got
>these items:
> 50lbs rolled oats
>50lbs flour
>50lbs onions
>40lbs potatoes
>22lbs rice
>13lbs pinto beans
>11lbs corn meal
>5lbs millet
>4lbs sugar
>4lbs squash
>3lbs salt
>3lbs split peas
>2lbs baking powder
>2lbs carrots
>1lb corn kernels
>1lb sunflower seeds
>1lb garbonzo beans
>1lb soy beans
>1lb oat bran
>1lb wheat berries
>2qts cooking oil
>1lb coffee
>a box of matchesa
> 12oz jar of jam
>3 lemons
>1lb powdered milk
>Plus the Colorado Caravan brought a semi full of hay and feed for the live
>We were also able to fund the Black Mesa Indigenous Support office in their
>effort to coordinate supporters with people in need on the land.  These
>seasoned activists are doing the important on the spot record keeping and

>wittnessing that will keep us all informed of the welfare of the people of
>the HPL.
>Along with distributing the food and supplies, we made sure the people had
>fire wood and fixed a couple of roofs.  Our main objective was to let the
>people know that they are not forgotten, that there are folk out here in
>America who know what is happening on Big Mountain and we support them in
>their struggle, that we will stand by them in the effort to keep them on
>their lands and carrying out the ceremonies and saying the prayers keeping
>the earth turning and the sun rising every day.
>Michael Gerell made this report.  All facts are to the best of my knowledge
>and I appologize for any inaccuracies.
>Ho! Mitaque Oysin!
>walk in Beauty,
>                m.g.
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Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
Unenh onhwa' Awayaton       
                     `"`    `"`    `"`  `"`    `"`    `"`

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