And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>From : DMKERR

Dear Friends,  Today MNDOT was suppose to start their excavations, weather
was terrible, and survey team didn"t have the correct equipment to start
today.  They have decided to wait until Monday,[our prayers are working]. 
Mediation team met with U.S. Mediator today and this will start about the
22, or 23 of this month.  I am also providing an excerpt from the State of
the City Address 1999, from Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton,
published February 11, 1999, this is from the transit portion of the

" If we are serious about moving people from dependence to to
self-sufficiency, we need affordable, accessible, 24-hour public
transportation and a stable funding source.

Last year, the region broke a 20-year impasse to create the spine of the
region's light rail transit system along the Hiawath Corridor.  The LRT
line, with its feeder bus network, will connect downtown Minneapolis to the
Airport, the Mall of America and communities in between.  It promises to be
a catalyst for a bold new regional transit strategy including commuter rail
and high speed transit ways to move us into the 21st Century.

President Clinton and Governor Ventura included funds for LRT in their
repective budgets. Piece by piece, we're moving forward.  Without superior
public transit, the continued economic growth and quality of life we have
come to enjoy will be in jeopardy.

While I am firm in my support of LRT and the recontruction of Hiawatha, I
want to acknowledge the opposition of some people in our community to this
project.  Work is underway to determine the historical significance of the
proposed Hiawatha re-route site to American Indians.  If it is affirmed
that the proposed re-route will disrupt buried American Indian
archeological relics, we must respect that finding. T his project is too
important to let it stall in controversy.  We must resolve the dispute in
good faith and move forward."  { What do you think of that!}  

I will be out of town until Sunday night or Monday morning, so this is my
last update until then.  Representative Karen Clark Along with the Mendota
people will be holding a press conference at 10am Tuesday, at the State
Office Building, this is for sure, as of now.  Just got a call from Jim
Anderson, MNDOT will proceed with survey starting tomorrow morning.  It
will be cold and Jim will be sitting in the RV, nice and toasty, while they
are outside all day. {ha-ha}  Also there will be a State Trooper stationed
at the site during the hours that MNDOT crew will be there,  supposedly to
protect the encampment.  what a joke!

Take care everyone, I'll talk to you on Sunday or Monday,  Thanks again for
all your support and prayers.  Love Linda

          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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