And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

To:     News Directors, Program Directors, General Managers
Fr:     Native America Calling
Dt:     February 13, 1999
Re:     Program Schedule for Feb. 15-26 , 1999
Feed Time:      M - F, 1300 - 1359 ET
Channel Inf.:   Digital Frequency B68.2
                        Galaxy 6, Transponder B
                        NAC website:

PROGRAM SCHEDULE for February 15-26, 1999

MON - 2/15: Music Maker: Litefoot:
The hip hoppin', movie makin' Cherokee from Oklahoma joins us once again as
our Music Maker of the Month. He will talk about his new musical release as
well as his upcoming movie projects. As always, we will play some of
Litefoot's latest mixes and give you an opportunity to rap with one of
Indian Country's most popular entertainers.

TUE - 2/16: Indian Civil Rights Movement:
Did you know that Native America was way ahead of our time in advocating
civil rights? That's right, there were Native organizers who pre-dated the
popular movements of the 50s & 60s. Elizabeth Peratrovich was one. The
famous Tlingit/Haida woman of Alaska fought for equality of her people
during the 1940s. But with so many attacks on Native sovereignty have we
really achieved equality? Guests include Neddie Peratrovich of the
Tlingit/Haida Civil Rights Commission.

WED - 2/17: The Dead Zones & America's Waterways:
There are weird viruses and microorganisms spawning in America's waters. And
according to recent studies, where there are no new exotic life forms
emerging, the waters are becoming wastelands. Take the Gulf of Mexico, for
example. How serious and widespread is the threat to our oceans and
waterways? And how do we protect and restore them? Guests include Boyce
Thorne-Miller of SEAWEB.

THU - 2/18: Buffalo Soldiers:
Soon after the Civil War, the U.S. Cavalry recruited and trained a group of
black men and sent them westward for duty in the Indian War. Some historians
refer to these Indian fighters as heroic, while some tribal members refer to
them as traitors and villains. What was the true history between the Buffalo
Soldiers and Native America? Guests include George Carter of the Buffalo
Soldier Society of New Mexico.

FRI - 2/19: WELNESS EDITION: Traditional Remedies:
Before Western Medicine reached Native people, we had our own ways of taking
care of our illnesses. What were they? We'll discover the various
traditional remedies on this Wellness Edition. 

MON - 2/22: TBA: (Tribes vs. Tobacco Companies rescheduled for March)
TUE - 2/23: Open Lines w/Kevin Gover:
Being in charge of the Bureau of Indian Affairs is without a doubt one of
the toughest jobs in Indian Country. Ask any former BIA boss. But someone
has to do it and that someone is Pawnee tribal member and attorney Kevin
Gover, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Join us as we field your
questions and concerns about the Bureau.

WED - 2/24: Book-of-the-Month: The Trickster and the Troll:
This is a tale about Iktomi, the trickster figure from Lakota legend, and
Troll, the familiar character from Norse mythology. Author Virginia Driving
Hawk Sneve joins us to talk about how these two characters meet and discover

that their lives maintain very similar circumstances in regards to cultural

THU- 2/25: Guatemala Update:
The small Latin American country of Guatemala holds one of the world's most
horrific human rights records of this century. Hundreds of thousands of
Mayan Indians have been killed by the Government in an effort to force the
people off their resource-rich lands. How has this country progressed since
the Peace Accords were signed earlier this decade? Guests include Rigoberta
Menchu, the Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize recipient and human rights organizer.

FRI - 2/26: Wellness Edition: Eye Diseases/Blindness
What are the diseases that affect our eyes? Can they cause blindness? Join
Sharon McConnell for the next Wellness Edition as we find out how to take
care of our eyes.

For more information, please contact the following people:
Programming Questions: Joseph Leon, NAC 505-277-7999, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Distribution/Promotion: Eric Martin, AIROS 402-472-3287, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wellness Edition: Len Anderson, Koahnic 907-258-8896, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eric Martin
AIROS Director of Distribution

"Rock n' Roll is based on revolutions going way past 33 1/3."

        -- John Trudell, Baby Boom Che

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