And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

              Children at Risk from Pesticides on Fruits &
              YONKERS, New York, February 18, 1999 (ENS) - Even a single daily
              serving of some produce can deliver unsafe levels of toxic
              residues for young children, the Consumers Union said today.

              In a comprehensive study based on U.S. Department of
Agriculture data,
              the organization, which publishes the monthly Consumer Reports
              magazine, found seven popular fruits and vegetables - apples,
              green beans, peaches, pears, spinach, and winter squash -
have toxicity
              scores up to hundreds of times higher than the rest of the foods

              Data is analyzed at Consumers Union (Photo
              courtesy Consumers Union)

              Each score is based on three factors: how many
              samples of a food contained individual pesticides,
              and the average amount and toxicity of each

              Though virtually all the foods tested were within legal
limits, those limits
              are often at odds with what the government considers safe for
              children. Based on this analysis, Consumers Union will ask the
              Environmental Protection Agency to restrict or ban specific
pesticide uses
              that expose children to residues above safe limits.

              Just one insecticide, methyl parathion, accounts for most of
the total

              toxicity of the foods analyzed, and its use is increasing on
crops such as
              apples and green beans, the Consumers Union study found. Two
out of
              five young children who eat a U.S. grown peach will get too
much methyl

              Fruits and vegetables analyzed were domestic and imported,
fresh and
              processed. The organization analyzed the results of the
testing done
              between 1994 and 1997 on 27 food categories, covering about
              samples. A sample is about five pounds of produce.

              Residue testing was done after samples were prepared as they
              are at home. Oranges and bananas were peeled, apples and peaches
              were rinsed.

              "Our findings certainly don't mean that parents should stop
giving their
              children plenty of healthful produce," said Dr. Edward Groth,
              policy and public service director at Consumers Union, "but
these findings
              do suggest that parents might want to be careful about the
amounts and
              types of fruits and vegetables they serve their children."

              The study found that domestic produce had more, or more toxic,
              pesticides than imported produce in two-thirds of the cases
where imports
              were tested.

                                           Farmer sprays pesticide
                                           (Photo (c) Jocelyn Sherman)

                                           There are vast differences
                                           in the pesticide residues
                                           that different fresh foods
                                           contain. In general,
                                           processed foods had lower
                                           residues than fresh.

                                           Aldicarb, the most acutely
                                           toxic pesticide, is making a
              comeback in potato production, the study found.

              DDT and other pesticides banned for decades, including the
              dieldrin, still show up regularly in residue tests. There is
a 77 percent
              chance that a serving of winter squash delivers too much of a
              pesticide to be safe for a young child, the study found.
Dieldrin can't be

              washed off.

              The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry says methyl
              parathion, the most frequently found pesticide in the
Consumer Reports
              analysis, is commonly used on soybeans and vegetables.

              "If you are exposed to methyl parathion or other toxic
pesticides, you may
              have headache, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, chest tightness,
              vision, and restlessness. Symptoms that might mean an exposed
              condition is getting worse include muscle twitching,
weakness, tremor,
              lack of coordination, excess sweating, abdominal cramps,
vomiting, and
              diarrhea," the Agency says.

              Severe exposure can lead to convulsions, unconsciousness,
              arrest, and death. People who are exposed to significant
amounts over
              time may have a persistent lack of appetite, weakness, and
              Swallowing, inhaling, and having skin contact with methyl
parathion are all
              ways in which people can be exposed. The Agency says children
and the
              elderly are especially at risk.

              Children eat far more produce per pound of body weight than
adults and
              are more sensitive to the effects of pesticides because their
              systems are changing and developing rapidly. Some pesticides are
              suspected of causing cancer, and some may interfere with

                           Pesticide Spraying (From "Environmental Science:
                           Working With the Earth" by G. Tyler Miller, 1995)

                           In 1993, the National Academy of Sciences issued a
                           major report on pesticides in children's diets,
                           recommended that U.S. pesticide laws be
                           overhauled to make foods safer for children. That
                           report triggered unanimous passage in 1996 of the
                           Food Quality Protection Act, which requires the
                           Environmental Protection Agency review all
                           pesticides and tighten exposure limits to make them
                           safer for young children.

              Parents should not stop serving fruits and vegetables to
their children,
              the Consumers Union recommends. Instead, the organization
              buying organically grown produce. When Consumer Reports tested
              organic produce in 1998, researchers found little or no toxic

              If organic foods are not available, or are too costly,
parents can avoid
              giving children large amounts of the foods with the highest
toxicity scores.

              Peel those foods with a high toxicity score, such as apples,
peaches, and
              pears. Washing with a very diluted dishwashing detergent also
helps and
              is also important for green, leafy vegetables, the group

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