And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


<A HREF=",1249,30012327,00.html?">,1249,30012327,00.html?
February 22, 1999

Nuclear waste is not safe 

      Don A. Campbell, in his Feb. 8 letter, says he spent five years at the
Hanford, Wash., nuclear waste site learning how to protect people from the
effects of nuclear radiation. Whatever safety lessons they gave him at Hanford
were apparently lost on those in charge there.
      I lived a few miles down the road from Hanford, in Richland, Wash., for
five years in the 1970s. Among other things while I was there, Hanford had
100,000 gallons of high-level nuclear waste leak onto the ground and into the
groundwater, a plutonium settling pond reached 99.999 percent critical before
it was noticed, and one winter night the cold water tap in my apartment ran
hot all night because of nuclear waste pouring into the Columbia River.
      After nearly 50 years, widespread nuclear waste contamination of the
air, ground and water at Hanford has come to a halt because whistleblowers
finally got officials in Washington, D.C., to listen. Cleaning up the mess
will cost us taxpayers at least $50 billion over 75 years.
      It is all documented in the book, "Atomic Harvest," by Michael
D'Antonio, Crown Publishers, and "Hanford's Nuclear Wasteland," by Glenn
Zorpette in Scientific American magazine, May 1996.
      A brief wire news story in the Deseret News a few weeks ago reported
that officials at Hanford are now concerned about radioactive tumbleweeds
blowing around the area. Other stories in recent years have described the
problems there of radioactive insects, small animals and birds. Hanford is on
a migration route for many birds that occasionally stop there.
      Nuclear experts told the people of Washington for decades that there was
no danger to the public from the radioactive waste at Hanford. They lied. Now
they or their colleagues are saying that nuclear waste in Utah will be safe
for us. We have no reason to believe them.

George F. Hamilton


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Quote from Truman's diary July 25, 1945:  "We have discovered the most
terrible bomb in the history of the world.  It may be the fire destruction
prophesized in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark.
Anyway we think we have found the way to cause the disintegration of the

"The Doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his
patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and
prevention of disease."
-Attributed to Thomas Alva Edison

          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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