And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Y2K Alert - 3/9/1999 - Illinois may urge citizens to prepare : : In today's public e-mail alert: ___________________________________ * Illinois may urge Y2K preparedness kits in every household With only one in four Illinois government agencies yet Y2K-compliant, the state is considering a bold move to bolster the safety of its citizens: recommending Y2K preparedness kits for every household. The move follows a recent proclamation by Portland, Oregon Mayor Vera Katz, who wants Portland's 200,000 households to be "self-sufficient" for Y2K. In both cases, opponents of preparedness are arguing that the very act of preparing would pose a danger to the public. And while Mayor Katz and Illinois Governor Ryan deserve heroic recognition for being willing to stand up for public safety, both are facing accusations of making the situation worse. Y2K dissenters, it seems, fervently believe the general population will be much safer if they make no preparations whatsoever. Somehow, storing water may create a panic. ++++++++++++ * Bring back some common sense Illinois Emergency Services Director Mike Chamness brings some common sense to the debate. "It's just a commonsense approach to living in Illinois,'' he says. "I think the same thing [preparedness kits] should be done for Y2K.'' Story at: ++++++++++++++++++ * Preparedness is smart, not dangerous (commentary excerpt) It's a total perversion of logic and common sense. Preparedness promotes safety and saves lives. Did putting on a seat belt ever cause someone to panic? Did wearing a life jacket cause people to panic? Did buying fire insurance ever cause a fire? Of course not. And preparing for Y2K won't make the problem worse. In fact, it will reduce the worst effect of Y2K and shield people from potential shortages in water, food, heat, medicine and cash. That's exactly why the American Red Cross, FEMA, and now the State of California are urging citizens to get prepared by stockpiling common-sense quantities of critical supplies. ++++++++++++++ * NYSE Y2K test results in good -- but meaningless -- news [news] The Associated Press is reporting that a simulated trading test, conducted last Saturday, went off without a hitch. The results were, "better than expected," according to the report, and more than 400 financial organizations took part in the test. However, the results are meaningless. Donald Kittell, executive vice president of the Securities Industry Association tells us why: "The test schedule does not cross over to the year 2000 until April 10." In other words, Y2K tests have not yet been conducted. HUH? Why all the positive spin if they haven't crossed into the Year 2000 yet? These people are testing 1999 trades and loudly proclaiming Y2K success. There's something seriously wrong with this picture... we already know 1999 trades will work. We want to know if they will work in 2000. 06/tc/securities_y2k_test_1.html +++++++++++++++++ * Ohio state officials ready to head for the bunker Ohio state officials have readied a $13 million concrete structure for Y2K. The bunker will be staffed 12 hours a day starting on Dec. 29, then 24 hours a day from Dec. 31. The executive director of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency carefully adds, "This is not a panic situation," he said. "If nothing happens, we can go home and watch football." Story at: +++++++++++++++ Find it all at: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit) Unenh onhwa' Awayaton &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&