And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 18:51:10 +0100
>Subject: N E T W A R R I O R S - REPORT 98 IWG
>TO:   Indigenous Brothers, Sisters and Supporters
>FROM: NetWarriors - Geneva 5 December 1998
>RE:   1st Week UN IWG
>We are sorry we have not been online and in touch.  We had severe technical
>difficulty with transmitting to the NetWarrior lists.  We were left with
>only the ability to access and send one message at a time.  Your
>participation and involvement in remaining informed on this session has
>been hindered and that is not good.  However, we remain and are now stable
>in an office donated to us during the second week by CISA and a Syndicate
>of Peace organizations in Geneva with access and open communication
>This session has been lax in the sense that governments are showing less
>and less concern by their participation than the previous years and their
>lack of maintaining a schedule with the indigenous delegates.  Often
>leaving them without a session to work during the hours scheduled.  The
>agenda has not been consistent and yesterday the High Commissioner of the
>Commission on Human Rights Mrs. Mary Robinson addressed the caucus and
>states at the close of the day.  The only articles discussed fully this
>week were articles 1,2,13,14.  The rest of the week was spent on an open
>discussion on the principles within articles 1,2 and governments in private
>caucus on what?  We still do not have full understanding of.  On Monday,
>the agenda is suppose to allow for a general debate on self-determination.
>The state Asia delegation is rummored to be preparing a position in full
>support of the draft as is and a withdraw of their request for definition
>of scope and principle.  Still it is left to be seen on the floor of the
>The US Delegation opened this session with a disturbing statement which
>called into question the entire validity of the indigenous peoples history
>of process to build this draft declaration and was said to have attempted
>to set back the current process at least 15 years.  Fortunately for
>indigenous peoples this has caused some serious political relations.  A
>reliable source contacted Elizabeth Homer in the Department of Interior and
>found that she had not been notified of the changes in the State Department
>positions taken in their opening statement.  (statement on NetWarriors
>Website by Sunday)  The UK has taken a very similar position to the US and
>France also.  We would like to mobilize protest in the UK in support of
>Indigenous Peoples.
>The Indigenous Caucus has been strategizing on how to approach the
>discussion of self-determination, continued to build positive and
>strengthening unity and found encouragement from the support found thus far
>through having the ability to communicate with their relatives and
>supporters through WarriorNET.  However, there is a large difference this
>year not having been able to communicate with you and we hope to ignite
>more passion within your own communities this week with a plan of action to
>hold press conferfences in all regions and in all provinces and states.

>Interestingly, an Indigenous Peoples organization in New Dehli has
>organized press throughout their states this coming Friday in sinc with the
>press conference here.
>Thursday December 10th, the UN will be celebrating a 50 year achievement of
>the Declaration of Human Rights!  The Global Caucus has decided that it
>will not let this event occur with out a strong response regarding Human
>Rights with a focus on the fact that the draft Declaration is proof that
>this Declaration has proven false in accord for Indigenous Peoples ever
>since its founding.  This anniversary represents half a century of criminal
>violations AGAINST Humanity rather than in relief of it.  The Caucus also
>realized that if they were to call a conference that they would likely not
>receive much attention on the 10th because the media would be taken by the
>UN itself.  And, that the press will be half hearted about showing up and
>being present for a press conference called by the Caucus.  So, they have
>sceduled the press conference for the 11th... Friday and they have asked
>Madam Erica Daes to host this conference and to send out the invitations to
>the press.  They will also be utilizing the fine words of Mary Robinison's
>statement yesterday who said: "And I note that progress and relation to the
>decalaration cannot be measured only in terms of the number of adopted
>articles; but in steps being taken to achieve a genuine dialoge and depper
>mutual understanding of eachothers aspirations and concerns."   And,
>interestingly enough the US Delegations opening statement said: "
>should not be necessary to convert aspirations or objectives into RIGHTS..."
>For Indigenous Peoples this week is (another) degrading slap in the face as
>the colonial governments of this world stroke themselves for mass genocide,
>devestation of humanity its needs and our Earth our mother while they sit
>here and make a mockery of the very principles they are built upon.  This
>is not news to you I know... but we must continue to speak of it and we
>must continue to try and insight eachother to continue the struggle, to
>organize and mobilize eachother and to be unsettled with it.  To make sure
>that we cannot become complacent with autorcity and abuse.  To ensure that
>we will never settle for these criminals as lords of our earth and peoples.
>We are preparing a press pack to send to you this weekend.  In it will be a
>statement from the Caucus and NetWarriors.  At the beginning of the week we
>will send you additional statements from the regions, organizations and
>delegates.  These statements will be no more than 5 sentences each.  Our
>objective in this particular action is to serve our communities by
>providing a strong international press action and our words to draw the
>national and local press media towards your issues and your peoples plight.
>Do NOT let this opportunity to go unaddressed.  Use it to its fullest
>advantage.  We are compiling a media scedule.  We can only report that
>parts of Asia are covered.  NetWarriors will send to all press media
>sources.  However, local press and government officials must be attacked

>with the violations experienced due to their own actions and nonactions.
>The KANSAS states must feel an impact and that needs to continue to
>Caucus members are stating that the ONLY way now to move the draf
>declaration forward is for the communities they come from to activate and
>pressure the local oppressors.
>We are sending you the USDEL opening statement, the IITC response, the
>Statement of the High Commissioner and the Caucus response.  We want to
>invite you this year to subscribe to WarriorNET and utilize it as a tool to
>organize and mobilize.  After the session you should unsubscribe from it
>and go back to you regular pace.  For this week we call for unity online.
>For your actions online and in your work networks.
>WE also need your letters and those of your networks support here.  We do
>have the wall up but without the NetWarrior Network moving, it is not the
>same. It feels as though we've been hindered and taken an injury in this
>battle due to the technical difficulty.  We must come through now that
>we've begun and encourage the delegates to hold fast.
>The position is still held, the draft has not been changed and the US plan
>did not move forward, but they have been lobbying other governments more
>than ever these past years.  We suspect something is up... of course.
>We send our solidarity and seek our brothers and sisters.
>Thursday we should all have a prayer time.  Anyone wishing to coordinate
>that please let us know.  That means that you would work out the times for
>us and send it to us.
>Friday, press fax government fax and expressions of solidarity for
>Indigenous Peoples and indignation of governments is requested.
>Subscription to WarriorNET for discussions.  Instructions below.
>NetWarriors Web site not UP for this session Until Monday morning or Sunday
>Open Debate of governments and Indigenous Peoples begins Monday.  Caucus
>position os to make sure that this item does not slip off the tabel and go
>USDEL, Mary Robinson and Caucus Statement on its way to you today.
>Dedication to Solidarity >< Calling for World Action
>        >>>>>>>>>>> NetWarriors <<<<<<<<<<<
>           Peace without Truth is Genocide
>         Una Paz sin la  Verdad es Genocidio
>         La paix sans la verite est Genocide
>                    >>>>>><<<<<<<
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>         A discussion listserve dedicated to
>              Indigenous Solidarity
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Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
Unenh onhwa' Awayaton       
                     `"`    `"`    `"`  `"`    `"`    `"`

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