And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Priority: Normal
>To: "ishgooda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: "KOLA International Campaign Office" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fw: Ghost Shirt - a bitter aftertaste - dumb article in "The
>Date: Mon, 28 Dec 98 19:44:31 PST
>Date: Monday 28 December 1998 10:06:32
>From: Tom Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Ghost Shirt - a bitter aftertaste - dumb article in "The Glaswegian"
>I find myself constantly feeling obliged to apologise for my fellow wasicus.
>Just lately, since this business of the shirt arose, I have felt the need to
>apologise for my fellow Scots in particular.
>The attached article is a prime example of the attitudes still prevailing in
>certain (ie most) sections of the press. These are the same attitudes as led
>to Wounded Knee to begin with. It is not the Lakota, dwelling in
"wig-wams" or
>otherwise, who are locked in the past, it is journalists like these, who seem
>entirely disorientated to discover that Indians possess an existence outside
>of John Wayne films.
>To state that this article is racist and offensive - for all their dignity,
>the Lakota delegates are here cast as beggars - is quite superfluous, as
it is
>to point out that it trivialises this important event. This new link between
>the City of Glasgow and the Lakota Nation is a vital and stimulating new
>development, but Mr. Robertson conceives of it only as a waste of
>money. Don't worry, Mr. Robertson, you got one thing spot-on - yes, you are
>cynical. I assume that you weren't actually present at the public meeting
- if
>you had been there, you would have learned that the Lakota case was based
on a
>great deal more than simply that the shirt used to belong to the Lakota. 
>As for that Burns manuscript, if it had been prised out of the frozen
grasp of
>a corpse at Glencoe, why yes, we would have a case for demanding its return
>free of charge, in part settlement of an ancient wrong. What would Burns
>himself have said about this? I think a clue in this direction is provided by
>his classic lines:
>"It's coming yet, for a' that,
> That man to man, the world o'er,
> Shall be brithers be for a' that".
>At the public meeting, it seemed to me that these visionary and prophetic
>words were at last being brought to realisation.
>Tom Cuningham
>Right, here's that offensive article.
>From "The Glaswegian" (free newspaper distributed in Glasgow), Thursday 10th
>December, 1998:
>"Backbencher" with Bill Robertson
>Is it any surprise that the Lakota shirt handover should spawn another trip?
>Trust the George Square nomads to organise it.
>Wigwam bampots on the move again.
>Cynical folks, like yours truly, may suspect that there was always a hidden
>So it should come as no surprise to learn the latest plan being concocted by
>our Labour councillors.
>They want to hold heap big pow wows - on a regular basis - with their new
>found brothers, the Lakota Sioux.
>It is the next step in the saga of The Ghost Dance Shirt. After a century at
>Kelvingrove museum, the relic of the Wounded Knee massacre is going back

>across the Atlantic.
>But your councillors have decided, of course, that they can't simply wrap it
>up like a Christmas parcel - and send it off through the post.
>Oh no! A working party is now at work to decide on "the composition of any
>delegation to travel from Glasgow". In other words, a foreign trip is being
>planned. Not to the actual wig-wams in South Dakota. More likely to the
>nearest Hilton.
>With the party doing badly at the polls and municipal elections looming in
>may, it will be a matter of wonder just how the Labourites will find the
>However, that should be the only difficulty. The council will find the cash.
>Rostov in Russia or some reservation near the Rockies. No sweat for seasoned
>world travellers. The Black Hills of Dakota seem set to become a regular stop
>on the council's globetrotting circuit.
>Arts & Culture committee convener Liz Cameron is keen "to establish contacts"
>with the Lakota. She is also anxious, according to the official minute, "to
>maximise the opportunity for future cultural and educational exchanges". In
>political jargon that means regular trips.
>Meanwhile, another relic has surfaced on the museum scene. Councillor Cameron
>and her department were scurrying about trying to raise cash in a hurry
>this weeks's deadline.
>Up for auction in New York yesterday (Wednesday) was a genuine manuscript of
>Burns' Auld Lang Syne. In the handwriting of the great man himself. The
>Mitchell Library already holds the biggest collection in the world of Robert
>Burns literature and memorabilia.  The addition of this particular manuscript
>would add to the collection's status.
>Big business, the lottery board, the Arts Council - all were being asked to
>chuck cash into the kitty. To rescue a piece of Scottish heritage lying in a
>foreign land.
>Strange that our councillors should have gone round with the begging bowl.
>Why, like the Sioux, did they not simply ask for the relic to be returned to
>its original home? For free.
>Anyone wishing to express their appreciation of this article in person, can
>contact "The Glaswegian" by ‘phoning (0141) 242 3502, fax (0141) 242 3847
>----end forwarded message----
>In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
>material is distributed without profit or payment to those
>who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this
>information for non-profit research and educational
>purposes only.
>"Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere"

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