And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:54:36 -0700
>To: "Wild Rockies Alerts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Wild Rockies InfoNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Judge Halts Middle Soup Timber Sale
>Arlene Montgomery
>Friends of the Wild Swan
>        A Montana District Court Judge has given the forest an early
>Christmas present by calling a halt to the logging of the Middle Soup
>Timber Sale on the Swan River State Forest.  Judge Thomas Honzel ordered
>the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) to
>complete a supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the
>economics of this timber sale and complete an adequate cumulative effects
>analysis on the impacts that previous logging has had on old-growth forest
>habitat and the sensitive wildlife which depend upon it.  Friends of the
>Wild Swan, a Swan Valley conservation organization, brought the lawsuit
>against the DNRC.
>        The court upheld Friends of the Wild Swan's claim and found that
>the final EIS did not fully analyze the cumulative impacts of all of the
>past and proposed logging in the area.  "DNRC's EIS ignored the fact that
>substantial logging has occurred in this forest.  This has severely
>degraded the habitat for many sensitive wildlife species," said Arlene
>Montgomery, spokesperson for Friends of the Wild Swan.
>        In a confusing turn of events the state disclosed earlier this year
>that it had mismarked the trees to be cut in the sale.  The volume of
>timber to be logged as well as the price which Plum Creek Timber Company
>would pay for it were reduced.  However, the state's analysis failed to
>disclose that this timber sale would now lose money, rather than generate
>revenue for the school trust.  The state rejected two other alternatives in
>its Environmental Impact Statement because they would not make any money
>for the school trust.  "The DNRC appears to be handing out valuable public
>assets to timber companies that rightfully belong to the school children of
>Montana,"  Friends of the Wild Swan's Montgomery stated.
>        While this timber sale was under court review, DNRC granted Plum
>Creek Timber Company a waiver and allowed them to begin logging the
>project.  The court's decision enjoins all logging of the Middle Soup
>Timber Sale until the state complies with the court's order.  "We are
>pleased that the court will not allow this timber sale to go forward at
>this time.  Old-growth forests take at least 200 years to grow.  To allow
>logging without fully analyzing the consequences destroys Montana's rich
>wildlife heritage and forecloses options for future generations. "
>Montgomery said.
>        This is the second time that the Middle Soup Timber Sale has been
>stopped by the courts.  In 1994 a District Court Judge also found the DNRC
>to be in violation of the law in their first version of this timber sale.

>Arlene Montgomery
>Friends of the Wild Swan
>P.O. BOX 5103,  SWAN LAKE, MT  59911
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