And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This account of events at a Monterrey, California demonstration is quite
amazing!   Or is it?                    PD

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TO: Monterey City Council
DATE: March 15, 1999
FROM: Gordon Smith

Dear City Council Members,

I would like to make all of you aware of several incidents that
occurred during our peaceful demonstrations against the Marine
Corps "Urban Warrior" exercises on Friday and Saturday: 1) Some
Marines apparently knocked over the port-a-potties at the Monterey
Peninsula College (MPC) city-arranged campsite, 2) We were
harassed by the Marines at our candlelight vigil Friday night, 3)
The Monterey Police (MPD) were slow to respond to our request for
police presence at the vigil, 4) the MPD watch commander did not
return our cell phone call, 5) the MPD refused to maintain a
continuous presence as we requested, 6) Monterey Presidio Army security
came to our candlelight vigil and photographed protesters "for the
Pentagon," 7) MPD Officer Sargent videotaped individual protesters
on Saturday (3/13/99) without an explanation other than " just
following orders."

On Friday night, the candlelight vigil at Window on the Bay Park
was attended by approximately 75 people between 6:45 p.m. and 9:45
p.m., (I am telling you this because I saw no report of this in
the paper or the TV news). There was a good mix of people there,
like members of our well known local coalition of the "John
Steinbeck IV" chapter of Veterans for Peace, the Women's
International League of Peace and Freedom (WILPF), and the Green
Party. Also joining us were CSUMB students, a bicycle group from
Santa Cruz, affinity groups from the Resource Center for
Nonviolence of Santa Cruz, and also other individuals.

I am told we would have had more protesters, but many people were
apparently under the false impression that Monterey's Urban
Warrior had been completely called off after the Coastal
Commission decision on Thursday. Apparently the Watsonville paper
actually printed this was the case, while the Santa Cruz County Sentinel
(California) and other papers suggested it. I am sure that Monterey
Police Captain, Dave Fortune was relieved as the FBI had told him to
expect up to a thousand protesters, including some bad characters that
were intending to do a lot of damage that would cost the city thousands
of dollars.

Later on Friday, around 5:00 p.m. I placed VFP logos on the city-
provided water tank and port-a-potties at the lower MPC lot, so
campers would know they were in the designated area. While posting
these logos I was approached by four Marines on rental mopeds.
They asked why were we protesting, and told me they had inside
information the lawsuit would not end in an injunction to stop
them. They rode off yelling "we will be back!"

Later, during the candlelight vigil one young man in civilian
clothes (and denying he was in the military) showed up and, with a
vacant stare, went endlessly, face-to-face with protesters asking,
why they "opposed the Marines?" At the same time, three different
cars (one red, one green and one white) driven and occupied by
young men with butch haircuts, and the previously mentioned four
Marines on mopeds, drove past the vigil in both directions for
about an hour, yelling "fuck you!" "go back to Russia!" "Siemper
Fi!," and shouts of "Aaah-Uuuah!!!" At one time the red car drove
within five feet of the vigil with one Marine completely exposing
his naked rear end out of the window. That same car returned and
parked directly across the street from the vigil (on the El Estero
Lake side road ) while the occupants yelled more profanities at
us. At that point I called the Monterey Police Department and
reported that the Marine harassment at our peaceful protests was
scaring some of the young women from CSUMB while causing some us
others to wonder if a flying beer bottle would be next. For these
reasons I asked for a police presence at the paddle boat house
across the street. A squad car drove by but did not stop or
return, and the Marine harassment continued.

I called the MPD again and asked that the watch commander return
my mobile call from the vigil. I received no return call. I
finally called Councilman Roberson for some protection just as two
squad cars pulled up. I asked for a squad car to stay across the
street as they always do during the day when we have
demonstrations. I was told they could not allocate a car to "just
sit across the street' but they would drive by more often. I asked
MPD Officer Charfauros to make a walking police presence near the
young man that was giving most everyone the creeps. The officer
questioned the young man, and the so-called civilian produced a
military ID.

Also at the candlelight vigil, a man named Dave arrived in black
motorcycle chaps with a camera. He wanted to take pictures of
protesters, and he said he was an Army Sergeant from the DLI
security office and "thought it would be a good idea to let the
Pentagon know that people oppose Urban Warrior Exercises." When he
approached an older Jewish woman from Aptos, he was asked if he
"had a conscious?" She went on to tell him "that is what they did
in Germany 60 years ago" and that he had no right to take her

At 9:45 p.m. we cleaned the area of trash. Then we all cleared out
of the park before official closing time (which is 10:00 p.m.
according to Captain Fortune). I then drove to the lower parking
lot of Monterey Peninsula College to see if any campers had
arrived, and none had, but I noticed two port-a-potties had been
pushed over. Logic tells me that the young Marines had in fact
returned as they previously said they would.

I went to Morgan's Coffee and Tea where many of the protesters had
assembled. I informed them of the overturned toilets, then went
home. At 11:45 I went to MPC and found only two vans parked and
absolutely no "under the stars" campers. The following day I asked
the Santa Cruz bicyclists where they had camped and was told they
found a secluded green area "somewhere" on MPC campus. Some of the
other would be campers stayed at Morgan's as he was kind enough to
personally keep his business open all night to provide free
coffee, and a sense of sanctuary from the Marine hasslers.

Saturday morning about 125 or so protesters massed at the Window
on the Bay and left for the DLI about 9:30 a.m. At about 11:30 the
remaining VFP and WILPF members at the Window on the Bay were
video taped at close range by MPD Officer Sargent. This SWAT
uniformed officer refused requests to stop his filming, and
subsequently was verbally condemned by at least four members of
both VFP and WILPF, and a complaint was lodged by Billie Arnold of
WILPF, who apparently went immediately to the MPD station.

In summary, first I think it is ironic that some of the Marines
that came to Monterey to practice "humanitarian relief" actually
harassed civilians with profane yelling, and committed crimes of
both vandalism and indecent exposure. It is obvious that these
Urban Warrior exercises had nothing to do with humanitarian relief
training in Monterey. Second, it seems our city staff is suffering
from "terrorist threat syndrome" while it disregards the immediate
safety of its own citizens, while supposedly preparing for a
future disaster. I can not understand how the MPD can allocate a
dozen of our officers for duty at the Monterey Presidio grounds, when it
can't allocate one unit to be present in the face of real
harassment from "invaders" especially when the MPD has always been
present at the El Estero boat house during our daylight protests
at Window on the Bay. Third, I am deeply concerned about our
police officers filming our well known, very public, peaceful
protesters. You already know us!!! I think it is obvious that
these MPD video documentation's are intended to be used for
purposes other than local governmental law enforcement. If
Monterey Police officers are being used as extensions of the FBI
then we, the citizens of Monterey are walking backwards into 1984.
We protesters have nothing to hide and usually expect that the FBI
may film us and/or possibly tap some of our phones. But come on
now, keep our city police officers focused on more real issues
like local public safety and real law enforcement.

In closing, for several weeks we at VFP, specifically myself and
Phil Butler, have continued to be in contact with Captain Fortune
advising him that we as a local peace group were going to protest
peacefully and without any disobedience whatsoever. We at Veterans
for Peace did just what we said we would do.

Finally, 1) The City of Monterey does not have any obligation to
promote military recruitment, 2) and Urban Warrior is an
inappropriate way to promote tourism. Any clear minded thinker can
recognize that that is what this recent traveling circus was all
about. In the real world militarism and tourism are like the
physics of oil and water: they don't mix...other than colloidal
suspension. That takes a lot of energy and it is only temporary.

Sincerely, Gordon Smith, Co-chair, VFP#46

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