And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 17:07:41 GMT
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Branscombe)
Subj: Alonzo/Anna Mae/Denver PD

  No one person can express the opinions of one Family, Tribe or Nation,
but I will say this, I have given Detective Alonzo's message a few
days to set in with you,  my response has been positive, everyone says
go for it and lets get it done. We appreciate the Denver Police Dept.
dedication to duty, where so many had the chance to do this before and
  I have said before, there is nothing about this case I don't know and
now I say anything that I can do to assist Detective Alonzo I will.  
There is nothing in HONOR that says we should cover up or take part in
covering up lies. To me, there is a hundred witnesses who either knew
or saw the truth. My cousin was betrayed by her so called friends and
the way I look at it, the ones who saw, knew the truth, raped her,
beat her up and shot her, all share the same guilt. And I no longer
call you Indians, let alone human beings. You are cowards and no
longer deserve the name Indian.
  You have a chance to clear this up and my advice is to do it. If you
do, I will try to help. Last Offer and trust me I can.
  I am going to say this once and not again, there is no
Cointelpro/Phoenix Operations going on here with the Denver Police
Department.  Most people wouldn't know Cointelpro if they fell over
it.  What's going on here is, Truth and Justice.  Anna Mae is not
going away and if I do , I am a first class Coward and I don't like
the sound of it. This is my mission and it will be completed.
I look at life and people like this, they walk by an alley and 5 guys
beating up on someone, some people watch, some walk on by and some
get in there and help, I can't walk by. You figure out the rest and
judge your own heart.   
  Denver Police Department and Detective Alonzo are putting a lot on the
line and it is to be  honored and respected.
  After receiving all of your e-mails regarding Justice for Anna Mae, it
is happening, your responses have not gone unnoticed. Your cry for 
Justice for all Indians, this is a start and we have the right people
doing it. This is not 23 years ago and this is part of moving forward
to the future. We don't have to ask what happened to Anna Mae because
we know. We will have Justice for Anna Mae and we will fulfill her
dreams. It would be totally disrespectful not to.
                                 In the Spirit of Anna Mae,
                                 Robert A. Pictou-Branscombe (La Che)
                                 PO Box 681, Rimrock, AZ 86335
Tel. # 520-567-7229    
(my e-mail address) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>From Jordan Dill:

A call from the Denver police for help into the investigation of Anna's
death...I have received specific permission to include this letter at
Anna's site...See <>...a brief excerpt
is below:

"I would like to introduce myself; I am Detective Abe Alonzo with the
Denver Police Department, Denver, Colorado. I have been involved in the
kidnapping/homicide case of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash. In 1994 Robert Ecoffey
who at the time was the United States Marshal for the State of South
Dakota introduced me to this case. Since 1994 the investigation has lead
to three individuals who are responsible for forcibly taking Anna Mae from
Denver and then taking her to the northeast end of the Pine Ridge
reservation and killing her."

          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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