And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (S.I.S.I.S.) writes:

From: Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583 Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (785) 842-5774 or (785) 842-5796

For immediate release:

All of the prisoners at US Federal Penitentiary Leavenworth have been under
lock down since Friday of last week. The prisoners' cells have been
stripped of their belongings.

Today prisoners were allowed to be let out of their cells for ten minutes
to shower. This was the first time they had been let out since Friday.

A fight is what allegedly prompted prison officials to lock down the
prisoners however, they have locked everyone down regardless of whether
they had any involvement in the alleged altercation, details of which are
not being released by prison officials. Prisoners are not being allowed any
legal visits or phone calls and we are concerned for their safety.

Please call the prison immediately and ask them on what grounds they are
locking down inmates and ask them if Leonard Peltier is okay.  Make sure
they know that we are looking out for him.

Prison officials are usually extremely unresponsive to concerns, but it is
important that their phones ring. Call your Congress and Senate people
immediately and ask them to inquire into the situation and to relay any
information to you that they receive. Thank you.


USP Leavenworth
Phone: 913-867-8700
Number to call 913-682-8700 will
get you thru to Leavenworth prison.

Bureau of Prisons
Phone: 202-307-3198
FAX: 202-514-6878

    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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