And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 01:28:52 EST
>Subject: Fwd: American Indian Twins Adopted
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>Subject: American Indian Twins Adopted
>Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 06:25:22 EST
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>American Indian Twins Adopted
>.c The Associated Press
>COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A five-year legal battle over the adoption of twin
>girls that sparked congressional debate over American Indian sovereignty is
>officially over.
>Jim and Collet Rost signed adoption papers Monday for 5-year-olds Bridget and
>Lucy. The girls, born before parents Richard and Cindy Adams were married,
>were put up for adoption and had been raised since they were 2 weeks old by
>the Rosts.
>But the birth parents later sought their return, citing a federal law that
>gives Indian parents or any tribal members the first right to adopt Indian
>children. Richard Adams is part Pomo, a northern Californian tribe, and Cindy
>Adams is half Yaqui, a Southwestern tribe.
>The case prompted debate on Capitol Hill about whether changes were needed in
>the federal law, the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act. The law was written to
>curb a rise in adoptions of Indian children by non-Indians, a trend that
>threatened the survival of some tribes.
>``I don't believe it was meant to be used in the way it was used in our
>case,'' Mrs. Rost said. ``It was put into play to keep white social workers
>from putting Native American children in non-Native American families.''
>In 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a California Court of
>Appeals ruling in favor of the Rosts. The appeals court had ordered that a
>trial court should determine whether the birth parents had significant
>cultural or political affiliation with their tribes before the twins were
>The dispute was settled when the Adamses agreed last year to allow the
>adoption and the Rosts agreed to bring the girls to California for visits
>every other year until age 18.
>``They are welcome to come out here and visit them as well,'' Mrs. Rost said.
>AP-NY-12-08-98 0623EST
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