And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>From: "Gary Glenn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Attacks Increase on Supporter of Hispanic & Indian school
>Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:23:40 -0500
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build 4.71.2377.0
>Importance: Normal
>Below is a follow up story on Flint (Michigan) Board of Education member
>Lily Tamez Kehoe, who is being attacked and threatened with her job for
>supporting the creation of a new public charter school for Latino and Native
>American children.
>Following the FLINT JOURNAL article are two e-mail messages from supporters
>of that new school, one of whom asked me to share his or her comments but to
>withhold his or her identity, because, "Right now I have an invisible
>'target sign' on my backside."
>Your assistance in defending school board member Kehoe in the exercise of
>her free speech rights and her efforts to help Hispanic and Native American
>children is deeply appreciated.
>School Choice YES!
>517-839-4506 (fax)
>Thursday, December 10, 1998
>by Dave Murray
>FLINT - The head of the Flint Board of Education is calling for the
>resignation of board member Lily Tamez Kehoe, saying Kehoe's support for a
>charter school shows an "utter disregard" of her duties.
>Board President Randall G. Talifarro on Wednesday sent a three-page letter
>to board members and The Flint Journal attacking Kehoe, who said she has no
>intention of stepping down.
>"I can't legally demand that she resign," Talifarro said of the letter. "I

>can't force her to leave the board. But I think her actions strongly warrant
>Kehoe dismissed the letter, calling Talifarro's demand at best a severe
>overreaction and at worst part of a smear campaign orchestrated by
>administrators who have the most to lose if a charter school opens in the
>"I don't know why they find what I did so threatening," she said. "Nobody is
>forced to attend a charter school. If they're truly confident that they are
>doing the very best they can for the Hispanic and American Indian children,
>then nobody will want to attend the charter school and they have nothing to
>A letter from Kehoe was included in an application filed by the Flint
>Advantage Academy to open a charter school directed at Hispanic and American
>Indian students. The application was sent to Central Michigan University and
>was not intended for public release. It was obtained by The Journal through
>the Freedom of Information Act.
>In the letter, Kehoe states that the combined dropout rate for Hispanic and
>American Indian students is 65 percent, the culture for such children is
>typically ignored in traditional public schools and a subtle racism makes
>students feel unwelcome.
>Kehoe has said she wrote the letter in her role as executive director of the
>Spanish Speaking Information Center and said she has no other role with the
>proposed school.
>Flint Advantage Academy's proposal is one of 10 applications to open charter
>schools in the Flint area being mulled by CMU.
>Kehoe said she can't understand why board leaders - who read a seven-page
>statement criticizing her at last week's meeting - would spend so much time
>rebuking her, yet continue to ignore the other nine proposals.
>Charter schools are independent public schools that operate with the
>approval of a university or school district. The schools can not charge
>tuition and receive state aid.
>Talifarro estimates that Flint Advantage Academy would cost the district $3
>million a year in state aid if it opens with 540 students as the founders
>"Instead of using her position on the Board of Education to advance the
>interests of Latino and American Indian students within our own school
>system, Ms. Kehoe has given her support to the Advantage charter school," he
>said in the letter. "This, in my opinion, is a breach of her duty ... and a
>violation of her oath of office... .
>"In my opinion, a Flint Board of Education member, who by supporting local
>charter school efforts, potentially drains the resources of her own district
>should no longer serve on this board."
>Talifarro is the second district leader to suggest Kehoe step down.
>George Wingfield, president of the city's teachers union, last week said
>Kehoe probably should not remain on the board. He also said he will call for
>her resignation in January.
>His remarks have drawn fire from School Choice YES!, a Midland-based group
>working to place a tuition tax credit plan on the 2000 ballot.
>Gary Glenn, executive director of School Choice YES!, said Wingfield's
>message appears bigoted unless he demands the resignation of every district
>employee with a child in private schools and charter schools.

>Wingfield said he did not want to respond to the group's statement.
>Dave Murray covers education. He can be reached at (810) 766-6383 or by
>e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Mr. Glenn:
>Along with Vern Craig and other community members we have made application
>to Central Michigan University for a charter school.  We have formed a Board
>of Directors and are working with Advantage Schools, Inc. from Boston,
>Massachusetts.  There are approximately ten groups in Flint who have made
>applications for charter schools with C.M.U. and nine are NOT under attack.
>I have sat back and carefully listened, and read, and considered the
>extremely biased expressions, opinions, and condemnations of our group and
>the charter school we are interested in opening.
>We have sought to open a school with a strong curriculum that educates all
>children.  We want to develop a culture in the school that reflects the
>traditional beliefs and values of American Indian and Latino children, their
>parents, and communities.  There are already, as I am sure you are aware,
>other charter schools that have opened up that reflect an solid Afro-centric
>curriculum and culture with a student population that is entirely
>African-American.  There already is the Medicine Bear (American Indian)
>Academy in Detroit, the Benito Juarez Academy in Saginaw, and the Cesar
>Chavez Academy in Detroit.  There are two Afro-centric charters schools: El
>Shabazz and W.E.B. Dubius (Lansing and Detroit).  One of the applicants for
>a charter school here in Flint is an African-American woman who wants to
>open an Afro-centric based school.  None of the members on our Board of
>Directors have a problem with any of this because people of color should
>have the opportunity and choice to have a school where their children can
>learn the truth about their history and geography and traditions.
>By the way...Flint already has a charter school: the Edison Project which
>was implemented by the Flint Board of Education.  Therefore they are already
>in the charter school business.  And...they are in the midst of opening
>Northridge Academy, charter school, in the north end of Flint which will
>have an Afro-centric curriculum and culture as the foundation of the
>educational process.
>The difference here is that Lily Tamez Kehoe, a member of the Flint Board of
>Education wrote a letter of support...a letter that I asked her to write.
>She is not the only person who I contacted but her letter reached me first
>and so I sent it in with the application.  Lily and I discussed the ethics
>of this and agreed that because of the Edison Project and Northridge Academy
>that there was no conflict.
>We have not assumed or presumed to speak on behalf of any community members
>or organizations other than ourselves as individuals and as a Board of
>Directors for the charter school.  We have not criticized particular
>departments (Indian Education and Bilingual Education) within the Flint
>Community Schools.

>I have drawn my conclusions as to the hostile actions of the Flint Board of
>Education, but I will state again...there is no other charter school under
>attack the way ours is.
>I am hoping that you will be able to give us some support in this matter.
>Thank you
>Dear Mr. Glenn,
>My name is Vernon Craig and I am a supporter of the charter school
>application in process for Hispanic and American Indian children in Flint.
>I am writing in response to the School Choice YES! 12-3-98 press release
>denouncing the UTF of Flint president's call for the resignation of Flint
>board of education member Lily Tamez Kehoe because of her letter of
>endorsement for the charter school.
>Since 12-3-98 , the Flint board of education, in concert with the Flint
>school administration, has embarked upon a highly-orchestrated and
>scurrilous agenda of intimidation and media blitz for the purposes of
>driving Ms Kehoe from her elected board member position. While the president
>of the Flint board of education cannot cite any Michigan Attorney General
>opinions as legal basis for removal of Ms Kehoe from office, he is, along
>with the endorsement and assistance of school administration leaders, intent
>upon bringing about her resignation through intimidation and alleged
>"community outrage".
>Ms. Kehoe, because of her courage to endorse an alternative learning
>environment, is being subjected to a very substantial amount of pressure,
>including the inference that her action could result in her removal as
>Director of the Spanish Speaking Information Center in Flint and with it her
>Because of the degree to which this attack on Ms Kehoe has escalated in such
>a short span of time, I would appreciate a reply regarding what, if any,
>support from your organization and/or other statewide pro-charter/choice
>groups may be available. This would/could be in the form of a local and
>statewide counter-media blitz, as well as possible on-site demonstrations
>and/or statements of support during the next open board meeting the 3rd week
>of January 1999.
>Simply stated, a battle against school choice is being conducted in Flint.
>Ms. Kehoe needs the support of Michigan school choice organizations as do
>the parents, students and other supporters of school choice in this area. I
>would be most appreciative of a response at your earliest convenience.
>Vernon Craig
>3234 McClure Ave.
>Flint, MI 48506
>Tel (810) 736-1525
>E-mail address:
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