And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        From the ABQ Journal:


Tuesday, May 11, 1999

Pecos Ancestors' Bones Returning Home
The remains of more than 2,000 residents of the once large pueblo are being
repatriated for reburial

By Miguel Navrot
Journal Northern Bureau
SANTA FE -- The remains of more than 2,000 ancestors of the Pecos Indians
are to be returned this month to northern New Mexico in what is being
called the nation's largest act of repatriation.

Famed archaeologist Alfred V. Kidder oversaw the excavation of the remains
during several diggings between 1915 and 1929 at the Pecos Pueblo ruins,
now known as the Pecos National Historical Park.

Kidder, who at the time worked for Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass.,
shipped the remains and hundreds of artifacts to the boarding school and to
the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University for
study. Those remains have been stored at the two institutions since.

Jemez Pueblo officials have spent eight years writing letters, making phone
calls and holding meetings with Peabody Museum officials to get the remains
returned, Second Lt. Gov. Ruben Sando said. It appears the work has paid
off. On May 22, the remains are to arrive by truck at Pecos for reburial.
Sando credited the work of his pueblo, as well as the Comanche, Kiowa,
Apache and
other tribal governments, for the return.
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