And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Catherine Davids, Michigan Representative
National Coalition on Racism in  Sports & Media
954 North Chevrolet Avenue
Flint, Michigan  48504

May 15, 1999

Ish:  Patrisia Gonzales & Roberto Rodriguez have written a column regarding
situation at the University of California.  At the end of the column they 
provide the names and addresses to write letters.[note: reproduced at the
end of this letter, also]  Here is mine and it's been 
sent in the morning mail.

Catherine Davids
Flint, Michigan


Robert Berdahl, Chancellor                      Barbara Davis, Director
University of California                        Office of Student Conduct
200 California Hall                             University of California
Berkeley, California  94720                     326 Sproul Hall  #24332
                                                        Berkeley, California  94720

Dear Chancellor Berdahl & Director Davis:

As is so very typical…the information about, and the defining of the
university students who initiated the actions supporting an Ethnic Studies 
Program at the University of California is being handled by a disagreeable 
campus administration, the police/military, and the media.  These students are 
being called derogatory names to make it sound like they are troublemakers 
when, in fact, the opposite is true.  In spite of the largely successful 
orchestrated nationwide media brownout of this matter…the American Indian and 
Latino populations across the United States are very much aware of what is 
taking place at the University of California at Berkeley.

To think about punishing these students, by expulsion, jail, and trials
is unconscionable.  These students are as courageous as the people who marched 
for civil rights, workers rights, women's rights, gay rights, etc.   All these 
people suffered at the hands of mainstream society.  They had fire hoses
on them.  Police ordered their horses and dogs to attack the people.  Crosses 
were burned in their front yards and their houses were burned down.  Many of 
those good right-minded people ended up in jail, in hospitals, and quite 
frequently at the end of a rope hanging from a tree or they were ambushed, and 
then were found lying dead in a ditch.  Civil rights people do not initiate 
violence.  Instead the violence is initiated by the very men and women charged 
with keeping the peace…to protect, serve, and educate.

Like those civil rights people…these students have done nothing wrong.  They 
did not take an action in support of anything that would do anybody any harm.  
They have taken an action to bring education and truthful history to your 
educational institution.  Therefore…it would behoove your educational 
institution to take a good look at what is going on from the students 
viewpoint.  What have these students really done?  They have rocked the 
precious boat.  They have disturbed the privileged status quo.  They have
everyone to think past a myopic mainstream society viewpoint to consider 
others.  They have ignored the real intent of California's propositions and 
have created their own proposition…one of inclusion rather than exclusion.

These students want education.  They want good things for their minds.  
They have not done one thing that is illegal, immoral, or unethical.  They 
represent the finest spirit of our people…of all people. They have taken a 
stand knowing that the so-called powerbrokers will seek to destroy them. These 
students have the best interests of humanity in their hearts and minds.  To 
interrupt their educational process by expulsion would be a travesty.  I urge 
you to drop all charges and welcome these students back on to campus.  Work 
with them.  Learn from them.  They are people of courage, intelligence, 
commitment, and discipline.  They have much to teach. 

**NOTE: We greatly encourage that we all honor the courage and
determination of the 
students by supporting them. Seven students are still facing disciplinary 
hearings. Readers should express their opinions to: Office of the Chancellor, 
Chancellor Robert Berdahl, 200 California Hall, University of CA, Berkeley, 
CA 94720,  (510) 642-7464, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also contact: Office of Student Conduct: Barbara Davis, 326 Sproul 
Hall #2432, Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 643-9069

*** Gonzales & Rodriguez can be reached at 505-242-7282 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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