And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 09:35:47 -0700
From: Storm Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0

Using the words of a Makah Elder:  This morning, a whale presented
itself to the Makah people and offered itself to the whalers and was

It was my privilege to be able to the watch the entire hunt this
morning on TV.  At least two stations carried it, so now I report what I
was with my own eyes.  On Saturday, the Makah went to hunt and
protestors buzzed the canoe and the canoe so badly at one, for certain,
and possibly two whales were injured by the protestors aluminium boat.
The protestor boats went right over the back of the whale in an effort
to "protect" the whale.  Blood was clearly visible on one whale where
the engines and boat bottom had cut it.  As a result, the Coast Guard
confiscated 3 boats and a jet ski.

This morning at 4:30 am, the whalers took to the sea.  There were no
protest boats out (Coast Guard had all the small ones locked up).
Although I had been taught how a relation offers itself to the people, I
have never before witnessed it.  It was a magic moment.  There were four
whales in the sea.  The first the Makah approached, turned itself away
from them and they left it.  The whalers approached the second.  It
waited for them and when the canoe was close and the harpooner stood,
the whale raised its head out of the water right next to the canoe.
There was a moment when you could almost hear the whale and harpooner
speak to each other.  The harpoon was thrown and stuck.  The whale began
to move out.  A second harpoon was thrown, and then the whalers got a
wild ride.  When the first harpoon struck, the whale thrashed some and
the canoe was right above it.  There was fear the canoe would overturn,
but the whale was careful and never raised its tail or tried to harm the
whalers.  In just a few moments, the support boat pulled alongside the
whale and a third harpoon with a heavier line was thrown and struck.
The whalers on the support boat shot at the whale three times, missing
on the first two.  The whale again raised its head high and the third
shot killed it instantly.  The entire hunt lasted just 10 minutes.

The Makah are now towing the whale to a beach where the people are
waiting to do ceremony.  Media will not be allowed at the ceremony.
After the ceremony, the whale will be rendered by the Makah and
distributed to the people.

Puyallups, Nisquallys, Tulups (and I'm sure others) peoples are on the
rez today to support the Makah, particularly after what happened
Saturday which was so incredibly dangerous and explosive.    A reporter
this morning spoke with people at a restaurant on the rez (the only
restaurant BTW).  She said that as they watched the hunt, the mood was
quiet and somber and when the whale was taken, a prayer attitude
prevailed.  There was no whooping and hollering, just a quiet respectful
moment and lots of tears of gratitude.  The whalers, themselves, were
hugging each other and raising their paddles in the air.

After the whale was taken, the large Sea Shephard boat raced toward the
canoe at a really high rate of speed and broke the 500 feet boundary.  I
applaud the Coast Guard and the men who protected the whalers.  A small
rubber dingy with 3 Coast Guard personnel put itself between the large
ship and the canoe and the ship turned away before hitting the dingy.

Please hold the Makah and the whale in your prayers this day.  Now also,
the hunt has revived racism against Native peoples in this area to a new
high.   Northwest Cable News took calls this morning and one man ranted
and raved about how the US Government protected the Makah and tax
dollars were spent by having the Coast Guard out there in order to
support this tradition.  He asked if the government would now support
and protect white hunters who wanted to revive their old
tradition...hunting Indians.  Unfortunately, that is now a common

I am in awe of what I saw this morning.

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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