And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Link provided by: Robert Eurich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From the Tuesday May 18 Cincinnati Enquirer '

               Indian activist asks Anderson to drop 'Redskin'

               BY PERRY BROTHERS
               The Cincinnati Enquirer

                       ANDERSON TOWNSHIP — The battle over the political
               correctness of team nicknames has moved from colleges to high

                       An American Indian activist told the Forest Hills
school board
               Monday night that Anderson High School's “Redskins” nickname is
               offensive and should be changed. 

                       The board took no action on the comments made by Guy
               executive director of the Miami Valley Center for Native
Americans, and
               Jene Galvin, a school district parent. About a dozen
supporters of
               American Indian rights also attended the meeting. 

                       “I come here tonight to fight for the survival of
the American
               Indian people,” Mr. Jones, of Dayton, Ohio, told the board. 

                       “We are viewed as a baseball team, a basketball
team. We are the
               Dodge Dakota ... and Big Chief writing tablets. I ask you to
give some
               dignity back to the American Indian people.” 

                       Mr. Jones said his request is part of a statewide
push to eliminate
               the use of American Indian monikers by Ohio schools by 2003. Mr.
               Jones said Dutch traders first used the term “Redskin” to
describe the
               scalps of American Indians killed for bounties. 

                       Mr. Galvin, who has written columns about the issue
in an
               Anderson Township community newspaper, said keeping the nickname
               is harmful. “The term Redskins is flat-out racist,” he said. 

                       Michael Hall, Anderson High's principal, said after
the meeting that
               only one other parent has expressed concern about the
nickname in his
               14 years as principal. 

                       Mr. Hall said the team nickname is not offensive and
was chosen
               because of the brave heritage of American Indians. 

                       “There is no problem here,” he said. “These people
want to make it
               a problem, but there's no problem here.” 

                       Earlier this month, Susan Hoffman, vice chairwoman
of the
               American Indian Movement (AIM) regional support group, sent
Mr. Hall
               a letter complaining about the team nickname. 

                       In his response to Ms. Hoffman's letter, he defended
the school
               tradition, writing: “Redskins were proud, strong people. The
               honors this spirit. It was chosen in hopes that those who
use the
               nickname might absorb some of the indomitable spirit of its

                       Ms. Hoffman, of Fort Mitchell, who attended the
meeting, said the
               principal's response was “infuriating.” 

                       “How does a school's tradition override racism?” she
asked after
               reading the letter, which was given to her during the meeting. 

                       LeeAnn McNabb, of California, Ohio, committee
chairwoman of
               the support group, also criticized the letter, saying:
“Slavery was a
               tradition, too.” 

                       Mr. Hall said the school has no plans to change the
team nickname
               but might organize a committee of students and school
officials to gauge
               support for a change. 

                       Two years ago, the school received no responses to
an alumni
               survey asking whether the nickname should be changed. The
survey was
               sent out after American Indian activists successfully
rallied Miami
               University to change its team nickname to “RedHawks” from

Anderson High School
7560 Forest Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

Hamilton County
Forest Hills School District

Principal: Mr. Michael Hall
Assistant Principal: Mr. Ken Furrier
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Diana Carter
Assistant Principal: Mr. Jerry Dockery

Office: 513.232.2772
Fax: 513.232.3146

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doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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