And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: Robert Eurich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

An excellent May 19 article in support of change to the Anderson High
Reds**** nickname (Cincinnati, OH) can be found at

Tim Sullivan, the article's author can be reached at

Two other related articles can be found at

<clipped excerpt>

Anderson wrong to keep 'Redskins'

The Cincinnati Enquirer

The Anderson High School Blockheads will not be  budged. They are
determined to hold their ground because progress is too painful. Inertia
is always easier than change. Blockheads find comfort in consistency.

You might object to the use of the term “Blockheads” here, but be
assured that it is intended to honor the indomitable spirit and proud
tradition of backward, racist morons in America. That tradition is
reflected in Anderson's unwavering support of its Redskins, and
particularly in its  insistence on retaining that nickname in conflict
with political correctness and common decency.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word  “redskin” as follows:
“Offensive slang. Used as a disparaging term for Native Americans.”
Webster's College Dictionary also concludes the term is offensive.

Yet Michael Hall, Anderson's principal and self-appointed lexicographer,
says the nickname is not offensive and, moreover, only one Anderson
parent has complained.

 “There is no problem here,” Hall said Monday after the Forest Hills
school board meeting. “These people want to make  it a problem, but
there's no problem here.”

Herein lies a problem. A big problem. If school principals can be
desensitized to terms that are patently offensive to some parts of the
population, what sort of message are they sending? That racist terms are
permissible if the target group is small? That cruelty is an acceptable
alternative to consideration? That ignorance is preferable to

<end excerpt>

American Indian Sports Team Mascots

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                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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