And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 03:32:49 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Update 5/21/99

Dear Friends, sorry I have been off the air for so long.  I'll try to fill
you as to what has happened lately.  The Amendment was never attached to a
bill.  Rep. Mark Gleason tried at one point but before any discussion took
place Rep. Wes Skoglund stood up immediately and ask that it be found not
germane to the bill we were trying to get it attached to.  This was the
same bill that it was ruled germane in the Senate.  Rep. Gleason and also
Rep. Satveer Chaudhary tried to speak about it's being germane but Speaker
of the House Sviggum ruled against us.  Our supporters at that time
sacrambled to find another bill that it could be attached to. They did find
another bill whose author was willing to look at our amendment as friendly.
 Our supporters waited until after midnight Monday night waiting to see if
this would be brought up on the floor, but unfortunately we ran out of
time.  I want to thank everyone who supported us so fervently on this
legislation, I'm filled with sadness that we couldn't get this
accomplished.  We have only the greatest admiration and respect for the
Representatives and 
Senators that worked so hard  and hung in there with us even though this
was not a popular stance for them to take.  Please take the time to thank
Representative Karen Clark, Representative Mark Gleason, Representative
Satveer Chaudhary, Senators Ellen Anderson, Senator Linda Berglin, Senator
Gary Laidig, and even Senator Jane Ranum.  We also sincerely thank our die
hard lobbyists that worked so very hard right up until the very end, Diane,
Anne, Mary, and of course John. 

We did submit our own report to the State Historic Preservatin Office this
week and we should find out the results of their recommendation by the end
of next week.  I will email the context of the cover letter out in a few
days with some recommendations for actions that people may take to help, I
feel we may have to continue to put alot of pressure on the Federal level,
with continued letters, and emails. We continue our vigil and ask again for
your support and prayers.  Pidamiya, Love Linda 

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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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