And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Whaling column prompts a
                boatload of reader response
You had a lot to say about the conflict over Makah whaling. There were more
 than 100 e-mail messages and phone calls waiting for me Friday after last
Thursday's column. Dozens more have come in since. 

                         Here are some excerpts. 

                "Amen, brother," wrote Jamie Alvarez of Des Moines. 

                "Watching a large, intelligent mammal roiling in its own
                blood, I wondered if there might be another way for
                the Makahs to revive their culture. But, I figured, what
                the hey. If they use this as a rallying cry to point to the
                future of the tribe, this is a fair price to pay. After all, I
                have done a little fishing and hunting, and it was
                federal and state sanctioned. 

                "All over the world, people are starving. People are
                being killed for either ethnic purity or `moral
                obligation.' In the United States, people are homeless,
                and adolescents are acting out in horrid fashion. Heck,
                maybe even Seattle has a few people who need our
                attention. Can we please keep our eye on the ball?" 

 There was this from another reader: "Obviously, you
                are just another black man who has realized his
                insignificance in this world (as we all are in the big
                picture) and has decided that the only way to make
                yourself feel significant is by writing columns which
                blame white people for just about everything that is
                wrong in this world. I protested this whale hunt due to
                the fact that it was not done by true traditional
                standards and that the whale meat will sit in freezers
                and rot." 

 A reader named Carol wrote, "My husband and I are
                Native Americans. I am originally from Oklahoma and
                my husband's tribe from Alaska." 

She said she heard one radio host say "the
                extermination of Indians by the white man was
                `natural,' like the extinction of the dinosaurs! Is that
                legal to say on the air? 

                "I was just disgusted with the people calling into the
                NW Cable News station saying that Indians don't pay
                taxes (wrong), and that we receive money from the
                government on a monthly basis (where's mine?). 

                "They lump us into one category yet there are
                hundreds of tribes all with different circumstances. 

                "Too bad we live in a society where we have to tell
                our children that not everyone will like you and that it
                may be because of the color of your skin." 

                Another reader, Diane, took issue with me: "Did you
                see the kill I wonder? That whale was terrified, the eye
                looking right at the camera. She knew what was
                happening. What other kill would be allowed to go on
                for 8 or 10 agonizing minutes? If it had been a less
                intelligent cow or pig, the Humane Society and heaven
                knows who else would have been there to stop it. 

                "I was not there with the folks shouting `whale killer'
                but I probably should have been. What is it if not a
                whale kill?" 

Sarah Kavage, a masters' degree candidate in urban
                planning and design at the University of Washington,
                had this to add: "It's not about the whales, it's about
                perpetuating a cycle of cultural domination that white
                American culture can't seem to let go of. I have the
                suspicion that if we just left the Makahs alone they
                might choose not to continue hunting. Instead, we've
                given them no choice but to continue. 

                " . . . The Makahs (are) being accused of disrespect
                for animal life at the same time the American beef
                industry is trying to push its hormone-fed beef
                products onto the European community. It's all too
                much irony for me to absorb." 

                There are so many other issues that I have to wonder
                why this one so captivates people. Somehow who we
                are is being tested. Our different views of morality,
                diversity, history, all of those defining bits of society,
                of our identities, are at play here and that unleashes a
                lot of emotion. 
                <end excerpt

                Jerry Large can be reached c/o The Times, P.O. Box
                70, Seattle, WA 98111. Phone: 206-464-3346. Fax:
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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