And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Subject: conference program
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 12:12:34 -0500
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Dear Peltier supporters,

Below is a copy of Leonard Peltier Organizing Conference Program.  If you
have not registered yet but are planning on attending please do so now!
This is especially important for anyone planning to stay in a dorm room.  If
you know of people who are coming please ask them if they have registered.
In two weeks we have to give Haskell University our final count on rooms and
meals and after that we will be unable to register anyone who needs a
dormitory room and/or meals provided.  Thank you and we look forward to
meeting you soon!!!

----The LPDC staff collective

Program for the Leonard Peltier Organizing Conference
Sponsored By the LPDC
PO Box 583 Lawrence, KS 66044 (785) 842-5774/fax (785) 842-5796

Haskell Indian Nations University--Lawrence, Kansas
2:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Registration at Haskell Cafeteria
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dinner at Cafeteria and Welcoming by LPDC staff and
Peltier family.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Opening prayer and Peltier honoring song will be
followed by a cultural, historical, and political presentation on the
Peltier case and the circumstances that led up to it.  This panel discussion
will be presented by Oglala survivors, Jean Bordeaux Roach, Jean Day, and
Edgar Bear Runner.

7:00 Morning ceremony led by David Chief, Lakota Spiritual Leader
8:00 breakfast
9:00-10:00 Presentation by Legal Team--Eric Seitz, Jennifer Harbury, Carl
Nadler, Jim Leonard and Jim Harrington will update us on Leonard’s current
legal situation.  Seitz is a Criminal lawyer who represented Leonard during
his last appeal and is currently handling his medical situation as well as
exploring new legal possibilities.  Jennifer Harbury is an attorney and
renowned human rights activist.  She and Jim Harrington will update us on
the effort to have the remaining 6000 FOIA documents released as well as a
possible complaint with the OAS.  Carl Nadler, who has been representing
Leonard since the trial will discuss current issues regarding the Federal
Parole Board.  Facilitator: Gina Chiala, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

10:00-10:30 Questions and Answers for the legal team

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Prison Issues--During this presentation ex-prisoners, Helen
Felix Baca, Ben Carnes, Bobby Castillo, and Ida Robinson as well as Native
Prisoner Advocate, Deborah Peebles, will talk about some of their
experiences in prison and some important current prison issues and relate
this to what Leonard is experiencing.  Bobby Castillo is an ex Marion
Control Unit prisoner who met Leonard in prison and was vital in obtaining
the European, Italian, and Belgian Resolutions in support of freedom for
Peltier.  Helen Felix Baca was in maximum security federal prison for four
years and also is an advocate for Leonard.  Ben Carnes is a former prisoner,
a National Spokesperson for the LPDC,  and an advocate for Native prisoners.
Ida Robinson was a political prisoner for 10 years and has since become a
strong advocate for prisoners with children.  Deborah Peebles works with the
United Tribes Cultural Group in Leavenworth Penitentiary.
Facilitator: Jaime Gutierrez, Ramsey Muniz Defense Committee

12:00-1:00 lunch

1:00-2:15 International Campaign--The International Campaign to free Peltier
is important.  Many human rights atrocities have come to an end because of
pressure from the international community.  During this presentation Mandela
’s lawyer and human rights activist, Lennox Hinds, European LPSG
coordinator, Sylvain Duez-Alesandrini, former South African Political
Prisoner, Dennis Brutus, and a representative for Amnesty International will
discuss current actions being taken on an international level for Peltier.
Possibilities of future international strategies will be explored as well.
Facilitator: Bobby Castillo, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-4:00 Panel on Grass Roots Organizing--A proposal for upcoming actions,
public outreach and fund raising will be presented.  Also discussed will be
the history of Non-Violent Civil Disobedience, group decision making, and
on-campus organizing.  This panel will be presented by First Nations
activist and Professor, Michael Yellow Bird, Food Not Bombs co-founder, CT
Butler, North West Regional LPSG coordinator, Arthur Miller, and
co-defendent of the Chicago 8 and life long activist, David Dellinger.
Facilitator: Patricia Benabe’, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

4:00-4:15 break

4:15-5:30 Political Prisoners--How can we continue to strengthen the
movement to free all political prisoners?  What legal and grass roots
actions can be taken on a group level?  This panel discussion will be lead
by Safiaya Bukari, Jericho spokesperson, Geronimo Ji Jaga, recently released
Black Panther Political Prisoner,  Pam Africa, Friends and Family of Mumia
Abu Jamal and MOVE member, Marcos Vilar, Defense Committee for Puerto Rican
Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War, Jamila Levi, companera of freedom
fighter, Ray Luc Lavasseur, former political prisoner, Bear Lincoln
(invited), Andrew Ascherl for Mondo we Langa and Ed Poindexter, and Jaime
Gutierrez, National Defense Coordinator for La Raza political prisoner,
Ramsey Muniz.
Facilitator: Bobby Castillo, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

5:30-6:30 Dinner

6:30-7:30 Political Prisoner Panel continued.

8:00-10:00 Entertainment and open class rooms available for auxilary

7:00 Morning Ceremony led by David Chief, Lakota Spiritual Leader

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30 Lobbying Presentation--This presentation will update us as to
what current lobbying efforts are, who is supportive, and how we can help
support these efforts.  Jennifer Harbury, lawyer and renowned human rights
activist, Ernie Stevens, Jr. Vice President of the National Congress of
American Indians, and Keith Jennings, president of the African American
Human Rights Foundation will be on this panel and they will also talk about
the most effective ways to lobby elected officials, tribal governments, and
Facilitator:Jean Day, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Break into Working Groups for Introductions

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Begin developing Working Group Strategies-Topics of working groups
will be:
    Future Direct Action/Demonstrations
    Lobbying and Letter Writing
    Fund Raising
    Media/Writing/Speaking and Public Outreach
    On-Campus Organizing
    Legal Research

2:45-4:00 Continue Working Groups-develop concrete strategies.

4:00-5:00 Closing with working group proposals and closing ceremony by David
Chief , Lakota Spiritual Leader

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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