And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


June 2, 1999

U.S. Sees Flaw in Safe Storing of Atom Waste


WASHINGTON -- After spending 16 years and $489 million on a crucial step in
its plan to safely store millions of gallons of highly radioactive waste,
the Energy Department has abandoned the procedure because it produces
explosive gases. 

Department officials said Tuesday they will replace the contractor, a
former subsidiary of Westinghouse, and asked outside scientists to help
find another method. 

Dr. Ernest Moniz, the undersecretary of energy, said that experiments in
the early 1980's showed the process was producing high levels of explosive
benzene gas. But rather than trying to develop a new procedure, "some
rather poor judgment was used" and, instead, engineers tried to make the
process safe. 

In a report released Tuesday by Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., the General
Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said part of the
problem was "design and construction being done concurrently -- with an
emphasis on pushing ahead in the belief that the problems could be solved
later." That a test in 1983 produced more benzene than the instruments
could measure "seemed to have been forgotten over time," the report said. 

Dingell, in a statement, said "mismanagement by the Department of Energy
and Westinghouse led to an extraordinary, and pathetic, waste of taxpayer
money. All we have to show for $500 million is a 20-year delay, and the
opportunity to risk another $1 billion to make a problematic process work." 

The plan is intended to solidify wastes left over from nuclear weapons
production that will be dangerously radioactive for 
thousands of years. About 34 million gallons of the wastes are stored in 51
aging underground tanks at the Savannah River site, near Aiken, S.C. 

The South Carolina plant is one of two main sites at which the government
is storing wastes from nuclear weapons. Because the chemical mixture of the
waste there was considered simpler than that at the second plant, in
Hanford, Wash., it was decided to deal with the problem in South Carolina

The first stage in the plan was to concentrate the wastes so the volume
would be manageable. For the second stage, mixing the radioactive material
into molten glass, the department has built a $2 billion factory. 

The factory works, but the process that Westinghouse wanted to use to
concentrate the wastes created benzene, a chemical found in gasoline that
can burn or explode. 

With that approach abandoned, the department may be forced to spend
billions more and take many more years to develop an alternate. 

The department decided in January 1998 not to proceed with the step
Westinghouse favored to concentrate the wastes and Moniz said that the
Energy Secretary, Bill Richardson, decided last week to ask for bids from
other companies to replace Westinghouse. 

Earlier this year, Westinghouse said that if the plan it favored did not
work, the government could spend $1 billion to build a processing plant to
handle the waste in smaller batches, to control benzene emissions. The
Energy Department hopes to choose an alternative by fall. 

But the costs may run higher. The General Accounting Office, in a report
released Tuesday, said that an alternative might take eight years to
develop and could cost $2.3 billion to $3.5 billion. 

Moniz, in a telephone interview, acknowledged that "some significant amount
of funds could have been saved by pulling the plug somewhat earlier." But
he added that several billion dollars would be saved by perfecting a way to
concentrate the wastes, and thereby reducing the volume of material to be
sent to the glass factory. 

Westinghouse Government Services, the Westinghouse subsidiary in charge of
concentrating the wastes was sold in March to Morrison Knudsen and BNFL
(formerly British Nuclear Fuels Limited). It will continue to run other
operations at Savannah River. Officials for the contractor and at the
Energy Department would not estimate the value of the contract that the
company will lose. 

The Energy Department has even more wastes in underground tanks at its
Hanford nuclear reservation, near Richland, Wash., and these are leaking
into the Columbia River. It is working with BNFL to devise a system for
solidifying the wastes there, but the Energy Department had tried to solve
the problems at Savannah River first because they were considered
chemically simpler. Savannah River was built by DuPont and operated by that
company for 30 years beginning in the early '50s; Hanford was run by a
variety of companies with far less chemistry experience. 

But scientists at Savannah River discovered, to their dismay, that copper
and palladium in the tanks were acting as catalysts, and allowing faster
production of benzene. 

The plan was to add a chemical called tetraphenylborate to the tanks, to
make cesium and strontium, two of the most intensely radioactive waste
products in the liquids, fall to the bottom. The liquids would then be
reduced in volume in an evaporator, and the resulting solids, which were
not highly radioactive, would be mixed with cement. The solids would go to
the glass factory. 

The chemical problems at Hanford are different, but experts there are
worried by the problems at Savannah River. Jerry Pollet, executive director
of Heart of America Northwest, an environmental group, said that "from a
management point of view, it raises a huge concern here." The department
signed a contract under which it promises to provide the wastes to a glass
factory to be built by BNFL, and if it fails to deliver, he said, it would
pay penalties. 

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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