And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From:         "Andre P. Cramblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [FN] Alcatraz

>      In November of 1969, an historic event occurred in the San Francisco

> Bay which forever effected the lives all Native American people. In the
> early morning hours, approximately 80 American Indians, students and Bay
> Area Indian community members alike, gathered in Sausalito to begin the
> third and final attempt to reclaim Alcatraz Island in the name of Indians

> Of All Tribes. Lead by student leaders Richard Oakes, La Nada Means
> (Boyer), Al Miller, and others, the landing and occupation of Alcatraz
> Island set in motion what would later be termed the "Red Power" movement
> the 1970s.  After the initial outpouring of local, national, and
> international support, the growing number of Indians on Alcatraz settled
> for a 19 month occupation intent on reclaiming the island as Indian land,

> as well as to bring national attention to the social and political
> struggles facing American Indians.  In June of 1971, U.S. Federal
> removed the remaining Indian occupiers.  Although the physical occupation

> ended, the movement which Alcatraz ignited continued, and still continues

> today.
>      The successes of the Alcatraz occupation can be witnessed on
> reservations and in Urban areas all across the U.S. today. The
> of American Indians in education, healthcare, self-determination, treaty
> rights, and other areas can be traced to the courage and sacrifices so
> bravely exemplified by the Alcatraz Occupation Veterans. Furthermore, the

> American Indian cultural and spiritual renaissance, which many people
> credit to Alcatraz, continues to effect the lives of Native Americans
> thirty years after the occupation. Today, the Alcatraz Occupation stands
> out as a beacon of pride for Native American people; as a symbol of
> and self-determination; and as a rebirth of our sense of identity, of our

> culture, and traditions.
>      In the tradition of honoring our warriors, it would only seem
> then for us to honor the bravery and sacrifices of those individuals who
> made the Alcatraz Occupation a watershed in the history of all Native
> Americans.  Therefore, we propose a 30th Anniversary Celebration to
> commemorate the 1969-71 Indian occupation of Alcatraz, and to rightfully
> honor all Occupation Veterans. A committee has already been formed to
> this historic reunion and celebration to take place on October 23, 1999
> Alcatraz Island.  Planning and organizational meetings with
> of the Golden Gate Parks Recreation Area are underway to insure a
> successful and memorable celebration honoring this historic event.
> American Indian musicians and performers have already agreed to
> participate, and many leaders throughout Indian Country have agreed to
> attend.  However, with only a few more months left to execute our event
> plan, we are writing to you and others to ask for your help and support.
>      As you can imagine, the logistics and costs of an event like this on

> Alcatraz Island are formidable. However, our past experience, including
> 1997 "We Hold The Rock Pow Wow" on Alcatraz Island, puts us in a unique
> position to pull this off. With the help and commitment of the National
> Parks Service on Alcatraz, we have already devised a workable event plan,
> budget, an infrastructure needs assessment, and a support network of
> and volunteers.  We also have an American Indian non-profit organization
> our fiscal sponsor for accounting purposes.  Now, we need the support of
> the larger Indian community and the financial support of potential
> like yourself. Your financial support in this endeavor is crucial to a
> successful event; a celebration that all American Indians can be proud
> Please discuss this proposal with your Tribal Council and respond at your

> earliest convenience. On behalf of the Alcatraz Occupation 30th
> Celebration Committee, I thank you for your consideration.
> Millie Ketcheshawno
> Event Director 
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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