And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steve Holmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 6:14 PM
>>Subject: LANDSCOPE, News and Views from American Lands
>>"Home Depot is selling away our nation by the board foot," said Chief
>>Qwatsinas of the Naxalk Native American tribe from British Columbia,
>>Canada in a press release at the annual Home Depot Shareholders meeting
>>in Atlanta on Wednesday.  Home Depot denied Qwatsinas the chance to
>>address shareholders, saying that he was not a legitimate spokesman for
>>the tribe, wrote The Wall Street Journal.  Despite this, 11.7% of voting
>>shares favored a resolution to end the sale of old-growth wood by Home
>>Depot.  Meanwhile in British Columbia, Greenpeace activists covered a
>>recent clearcut with a 10,000-square-foot mock Home Depot logo, reported
>>The Atlanta Constitution and Journal.
>>. . .While shareholders questioned Home Depot's business practices, the
>>company's suppliers continued to clearcut thousand-year-old trees in
>>British Columbia, destroying the largest unprotected ancient temperate
>>rainforest in the world.  Please fax a letter to Authur Blank, Home
>>Depot CEO, 770/384-2337, and urge Home Depot to stop selling old growth
>>wood products.
>>Falsified Forest Data Discovered: The Clearwater National Forest plans
>>timber sales using false information on remaining old growth forests
>>according to a study by conservationists.  The study found that only
>>8.5% of the forest remains in an old growth condition, less than the 10%
>>minimum requirement established by the Clearwater Forest Plan.  An
>>analysis conducted by Amy Haak, a geographic information system mapping
>>specialist, shows Clearwater's claims of old growth are not supported by
>>aerial photographs or their own forest inventory data.  Comparisons
>>between Clearwater maps and the photographs show harvested units, bare
>>rock, saplings, and roads are present in areas the Forest Service claims
>>to be old growth.  For more information contact Larry McLaud at
>>208/882-1010 or Laird Lucas 208/342-7024.
>>New Plan Proposes Ban on Logging in Watershed: Under a new plan proposed
>>by Seattle Mayor Paul Schell, every tree in the 90,546-acre Cedar River
>>Watershed would be protected by becoming part of an ecological reserve
>>reports the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.  The Watershed is home to
>>old-growth trees, loons, bald eagles, spotted owls, and threatened
>>salmon in addition to being the primary water source for Seattle and its
>>suburbs.  The habitat proposal would guarantee more in-stream flow for
>>fish, add fish hatchery production, and restore damaged habitat in the
>>city's part of the watershed and beyond.  "This means for the first time
>>in history, we will put fish first," said Schell.
>>Logging Rules Fail to Protect Water:  U.S. Forest Service geologist
>>Leslie Reid, in research not endorsed by her agency, accuses the
>>California Department of Forestry of lax enforcement of the Forest
>>Practices Act, the principal state law governing logging.  She claims
>>the CDF has allowed widespread tree cutting resulting in mud slides,
>>damaged water supplies, the endangerment of fish and wildlife.  "Timber
>>Harvest Plans do not accurately examine the long-term impact of human
>>activity, namely logging," said Reid.
>>To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send a message to
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] along with your complete contact information
>>(name, org, address & phone #)
>>Steve Holmer
>>Campaign Coordinator
>>American Lands
>>726 7th Street, SE
>>Washington, D.C. 20003
>>202/547-9213 fax
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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