And now:"Save Ward Valley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Please contact Gov Davis--ask him to withdraw the application for the land
at Ward Valley!!!  His phone number is 916/445-2841.  Also, ask him why the
Tribes were not mentioned as being a part of his "advisory committee".
Thank you all for your support!


Colorado River Native Nations Alliance
 & Ward Valley Coalition

For Immediate Release: June 3, 1999

Contact: Nora Helton, Chairwoman, Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe (760) 629-4591
 Molly Johnson, Save Ward Valley  (760) 326-6267
 Jane Williams, California Communities Against Toxics  (805) 256-0968
 Bradley Angel, Greenaction  (415) 252-0822

In Response to Governor Gray Davis’s Announcement Dropping
Pro-Dump Lawsuit:

Coalition Questions Why Governor Does Not Bring Final End to Project: Native
Nations and Environmental Allies Call on the Governor to Withdraw the Land
Application for Ward Valley

Needles, CA-In response to Governor Davis’ announcement yesterday that the
State of California will not appeal the recent U.S. District Court decision
which set back the proposed Ward Valley nuclear waste dump, a coalition of
Native Nations and environmental, health, and social justice groups today
called on the Governor to end the controversial project by withdrawing the
land application for Ward Valley.

The Colorado River Native Nations Alliance and the rest of the Ward Valley
Coalition applaud the Governor’s announcement that the court decision will
not be appealed, but remain concerned that he has not ended the project by
withdrawing the land application.

“As long as the State of California still has a pending application into the
Bureau of Land Management for the land at Ward Valley so they can build a
nuclear waste dump, the threat to our heritage and sacred lands remains.”
said Nora Helton, Chairwoman, Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe.  “While we are
pleased that the Governor has seen fit not to appeal the court’s decision,
he needs to end this project once and for all.  The Tribes have asked
Governor Davis to withdraw the land transfer application repeatedly.
Stopping this project in a final form will end this controversy and will
relieve the Indian nations from the unnecessary burden of the burial of
nuclear waste that will threaten our people, the land, and the Colorado
River.  The Indian tribes adamantly seek Governor Davis’ swift action to
withdraw the land application from the Department of Interior.  The tribes
have repeatedly communicated to the Governor on this matter and been
ignored, we are asking for a final action on Ward Valley.”

Opponents of the Ward Valley dump have expressed concern about the Governor’
s new panel on nuclear waste, and questioned the impartiality of a panel
headed by one of the generators of nuclear waste in the state, the
University of California.

“We don’t want the state to bury nuclear waste anywhere, so it is necessary
to come up with a more protective solution to this problem and that can only
happen with everyone at the table, including Native Nations, health
organizations, generators, and environmental justice advocates.” said
Bradley Angel, Executive Director of Greenaction.


Save Ward Valley
107 F Street
Needles, CA  92363
ph. 760/326-6267
fax 760/326-6268

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