And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

With Perfect Justice... Nez Perce Treaties -

U.S. Supreme Court 



No. 94-771.

Argued April 24, 1995 
Decided June 14, 1995

Respondent Chickasaw Nation (Tribe) filed this action to stop Oklahoma from
enforcing several state taxes against the Tribe and its members. Pertinent
here, the District Court held for the State on the motor fuels tax
question, and largely for the Tribe on the income tax issue. The Court of
Appeals ruled for the Tribe and its members on both issues, determining:
(1) that, without congressional authorization, the State could not impose a
motor fuels tax on fuel sold by the Tribe at its retail stores on tribal
trust land; and (2) that the State could not tax the wages of tribal
members employed by the Tribe, even if they reside outside Indian country.


1. Oklahoma may not apply its motor fuels tax, as currently designed, to
fuel sold by the Tribe in Indian country. Pp. 4-12.

(a) The Court declines to address the State's argument, raised for the
first time in its brief on the merits, that the Hayden-Cartwright Act
expressly authorizes States to tax motor fuel sales on Indian reservations.
Pp. 5-6.

(b) When a State attempts to levy a tax directly on Indian tribes or their
members inside Indian country, the proper approach is not, as the State
contends, to weigh the relevant state and tribal interests. Rather, a more
categorical approach should be employed: Absent clear congressional
authorization, a State is without power to tax reservation lands and
reservation Indians. The initial and frequently dispositive question in
Indian tax cases, therefore, is who bears the legal incidence of the tax,
for if it is a tribe or tribal members inside Indian country, the tax
cannot be enforced absent federal legislation permitting the impost. The
inquiry proper in this Page II case is whether the fuels tax rests on the
Tribe as retailer, or on the who sells to the Tribe or the consumer who
buys from the Tribe. Judicial focus on legal incidence accords due
deference to Congress' lead role in evaluating state taxation as it bears
on Indian tribes and tribal members. A "legal incidence" test, furthermore,
provides a reasonably bright-line standard accommodating the reality that
tax administration requires predictability. And a State unable to enforce
its tax because the legal incidence falls on tribes or on Indians within
Indian country, generally is free to amend its law to shift the tax's legal
incidence. Pp. 6-10.

(c) The Court of Appeals' ruling that the fuels tax's legal incidence rests
on the retailer is reasonable. The state legislation does not expressly
identify who bears the tax's legal incidence. Nor does it contain a
provision requiring that the tax be passed on to consumers. In the absence
of such dispositive language, the question is one of fair interpretation of
the taxing statute as written and applied. In this case, the fuels tax
law's language and structure indicate that the tax is imposed on fuel
retailers. Pp. 10-12.

2. Oklahoma may tax the income of tribal members who work for the Tribe but
reside in the State outside Indian country. The Court of Appeals' holding
to the contrary conflicts with the well established principle of interstate
and international taxation that a jurisdiction may tax all the income of
its residents, even income earned outside the taxing jurisdiction. The
exception that the Tribe would carve out of the State's taxing authority
gains no support from the rule that Indians and tribes are generally immune
from state taxation, as this principle does not operate outside Indian
country. In addition, the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, which guarantees
the Tribe and its members that "no Territory or State shall ever have a
right to pass laws for the [Tribe's] government," provides only for the
Tribe's sovereignty within Indian country and does not confer
super-sovereign authority to interfere with another jurisdiction's
sovereign right to tax income, from all sources, of those who choose to
live within that jurisdiction's limits. Nor can the Treaty be read to
incorporate the repudiated doctrine that an income tax imposed on
government employees should be treated as a tax on the government. The
Treaty's signatories likely gave no thought to a State's authority to tax
income of tribal members living in the State's domain, since the Treaty's
purpose was to move the Tribe to unsettled land not then within a State.
Moreover, if that doctrine were to apply, it would require exemption for
nonmember as well as tribal member employees of the Tribe. Pp. 12-17.

31 F.3d 964, affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. Page III
GINSBURG, J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court with respect to
Parts I and II, and the opinion of the Court with respect to Part III, in
which REHNQUIST, C. J., and SCALIA, KENNEDY, and THOMAS, JJ., joined.
BREYER, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part, in
CHICKASAW NATION, ___ U.S. ___ (1995) , 1]


for the rest of the opinion go to:

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