And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (S.I.S.I.S.) writes:

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Forwarded message:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 19:06:41 -0700
From: arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Sea Shepherd and Jack Metcalf


 Sea Shepherd is directly responsible for much of the racist anti-tribal
upsurge that is now gripping the state of Washington. They have instigated
this purposely using the excuse of the Makah whale hunt to justify their
racist actions. The direct, undeniable proof of their intentions is found
in their joining forces with the long time extreme rightwing racist and
anti-tribal activist Jack Metcalf.
  Sea Shepherd has defended directly working with Metcalf and called him a
"stellar leader" and one of their supporters called him "a great public
servant". They did not at all try to deny any of the information we gave
them on Metcalf. All they would say was that Metcalf supported their issue
and that is all that is important. We have been informed by a lawyer who
was an activist against the former Apartheid regime in South Africa, in
Olympia, that when they lobbied the legislature "he, several times made
staggeringly racist comments about Africans being genetically incapable of
governing themselves, and made them in open committee hearings."
 Racism and fascism is part of the Metcalf family tradition. Jack's father
was a Langley unit leader of the Silvershirt Legion in the 1930s. The
Silver Shirts were a Nazi formation in the U.S. modeled after the fascist
brown shirts of Germany and the black shirts of Italy. This is in line with
the Sea Racists' alliance with Brigitte Bardot member of the fascist
National Front in France.
 The following information comes from the files of the ANTI-RACIST
EMERGENCY ACTION NETWORK. Rep. Jack Metcalf is known through out the state
of Washington as the second most influential long time racist anti-tribal
activist, next to the king of racism Sen. Slade Gorton, in this state. Jack
Metcalf is one of the founders of S /SPAWN which later became the United
Property Owners of Washington
(UPOW). And Jack was on the UPOW Board until he left for congress. There is
a great over lap of members and rhetoric between UPOW and the Washington
Property Rights Network which is led by Jim Klauser who began, with other
officials of the Builders Industry Association of Washington, the "Wise
Use" Movement in this state. They also receive support from the Center for
the Defense of Free Enterprise. Also connected in this is the Citizens
Equal Rights Alliance, a co-founder of the "Wise Use" Movement and is a
national anti-treaty rights organization. UPOW has always used itself as a
means for white property owners to fight tribal sovereignty and Native
treaty rights. They have led the fight against tribal shell fishing rights,
including a suit in which the Defenders of Property Rights (DoPR) is
co-counsel. DoPR is an extremist right wing group whose board members
include James Watt, Ed Meese, Robert Bork, Sen. Orrin Hatch and Sen Larry
Craig, and is associated with the Heritage Foundation, the Alliance for
America and other far right wing organizations.
 Rep. Jack Metcalf was also a National Co-Chair of Redeem Our Country,
among the other Co-Chairs of that organization include anti-Semite Eustace
Mullins and arch-segregationist John Rarick. The group's advisory board
included Christian Identity advocates, a Spotlight columnist and members of
the Posse-Comitatus.
 Rep. Jack Metcalf was elected to congress along with other right wing
"Contract On America" Republicans like Linda Smith and Randy Tate. But Jack
just maybe the worst of the bunch. The extreme right wing paper "The
Spotlight" has had a number of write-ups on Jack, and one issue featured a
photograph of him in the office of the Liberty Lobby which is the publisher
of that paper. And Metcalf was a loyal support of Newt Gingrich and was
ranked #3 in the NewtWatch "Top 20 Toadies".
  According to the League of Conservation Voters Jack has one of the worst
environmental voting records in congress. They listed him as voting against
the environment 85% of the time. And his voting record on human rights was
even worse. The ACLU gave him a 0% rating.
 Just last year at a meeting held by the Sumas Chamber of Commerce, Metcalf
complained about not being able to tell racist jokes. He said; "It's really
tough these days to tell a joke or story. You use to be able to tell race
jokes. You can't do that anymore."
  Sea Shepherd rather than acknowledging that they made a mistake in
joining forces with a man like Metcalf, sought to praise him. The only
reason Metcalf is willing to work with Sea Shepherd is that they are
fighting the Makah Nation over a purposed whale hunt, and Metcalf is
clearly one of them most anti-tribal people in congress. Were the issue
U.S. corporations wanting to get back into whale hunting he would be on the
other side of the issue. By joining forces with Metcalf, Sea Shepherd is
telling all those who have been victimized by the "Contract On America",
the poor, people of color, working people and real environmentalists, and
all Native people who have been victimized by the right wing racist
anti-tribal campaign, that their struggles are not important to Sea
Shepherd. We believe differently. We believe that all these struggles are
important and none of them should quietly sit back and allow a
self-righteous organization like Sea Shepherd stab them in the back by
joining forces with a man like Metcalf. It matters not how you feel about
the issues of Sea Shepherd, or its past activities, nothing justifies their
alliance with the extreme racist right wing.  Clearly Paul Watson and Sea
Shepherd should be viewed now as a part of the far rightwing racist
movement. Watson's name should be place along side that of David Duke and
others and given the same treatment. Those that give support to Watson and
the Sea Racists should understand that they have crossed the line and now
stand against the people and real environmentalism.
We are calling on all people to e-mail their comments about what the Sea
Racists have done directly to Sea Shepherd at:

        In Solidarity
        Arthur J. Miller
          P.O. BOX 5464
          TACOMA, WA 98416-0464
            e-mail; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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