And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"John E Hussman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replies:
It is eerie to see and entire housing area gone, totally gone. Even the
foundations leveled. Big cottonwood trees were uprooted or twisted in half,
power line poles sheared halfway up  their length. Individual survival
stories are coming out now and it  seems miraculous the death toll was not
more then one. What used to be the "Igloo Housing" is gone.

The Rapid City Journal reported about six hundred people were served by the
disaster-relief food stamp issue. The food stamps did not have anything to
do with poverty guidelines but were meant to replace food lost due to the
storms passing through last week. According to local population estimates
well over one thousand people should have been served by disaster relief
services but a lot of people were reluctant to participate. Over the past
years, in particular during this era of "Welfare Reform", a lot of our
Indian people were singled out for indictment and prosecution on what was
interpreted as welfare fraud. Some elderly people whose homes were leveled
in Oglala asked only for a tent to put up near where their home used to be
so they could be near their possessions. Once bit, twice shy, when it comes
to what they believe is assistance offered from the state of South Dakota's
Department of Social Services.

Other people who suffered losses because of the storms but who do not live
in Oglala feel they are not getting the services they are entitled to. It's
going to take a while to straighten this mess out but someone needs to seek
these people out and explain things to them in the language they understand.

A lot of Oglala residents were wondering why FEMA and the Red Cross set up
headquarters in Pine Ridge, sixteen miles Southeast of Oglala, instead of in
Oglala.  In considering the difficulty that people whose homes were
devastated in finding transportation to get to Pine Ridge or even to Loneman
School for help it would seem logical to headquarter in Oglala.

People from Pine Ridge were seen taking food that was destined for
distribution to storm victims. The food was taken in plain site of those
that were given the responsibility to safeguard the food. There is a clique
of privilege that permeates nearly every aspect of life in Pine Ridge, and
if you are a part of the "in" group, you can expect certain privileges.
Privileges that are gained at the expense of others. Therefore, the people
that helped themselves to the food were not stopped. Some lip service was
given to the looting on KILI radio, but we will see what results.

Meanwhile current news reports:
            Helping our neighbors in need 
            People in the town of Oglala are slowly
            rebuilding their lives following a
            devastating tornado that blew through the
            Pine Ridge Reservation last Friday night.
            On Thursday Hot 93.1 radio, and
            NewsCenter 1 delivered the first truckload
            of donated items to the tornado stricken
            Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

                         Wednesday morning we began collecting
                    donations at the Dan’s Supermarket parking lot,
                    with 93.1 d-jay Bobby Rock leading the charge.
                        [CG:DUAL\Bobby Rock\Hot 93.1 Radio]
                         “Because a lot of people lost a lot of homes a
                    lot of personal belongings, a lot of people have in
                    the Oglala area don’t have any food, this is where
                    they’re coming to the Lone Man School to get
                    fed, and I wanna help.”
                         The items were dropped off at the Loneman
                    school in Oglala, they will then be distributed to
                    people in need. Although the outpouring of
                    support from around the Black Hills has been
                    greatly appreciated by the people of Pine Ridge,
                    the need for more assistance still remains. 
                        [CG:DUAL\Stanley Looking Elk\Oglala
                         “Feels good, everybody feels good cause you
                    see a lot of our girls here are worried about he
                    people, we thank the people very much.”
                         Another load of windows, doors, and other
                    larger items collected by NewsCenter 1 and Hot
                    93.1 will be shipped to Oglala in the near future.
                    Black Hills movers donated the moving
                    was unloaded by volunteers from “Youth Build”
                    in McLean County, Nebraska.
                         President Clinton declared Shannon County a
                    Federal disaster area Wednesday afternoon. The
                    Federal Agency of emergency management
                    estimates that the tornadoes caused one million
                    dollars in damage to Oglala.
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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