And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:15:07 -0700
From: arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ADate: 17/06/99 12:01:56 PM
Subject:  An Open Letter To Paul Watson
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 An Open Letter to Paul Watson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mr. Paul Watson, you say that how you have dealt with the issue of 
the Makah whale hunt has not been racist then please answer the 
following questions:
  1. Why did you join up with Jack Metcalf? You know full well that 
Metcalf has been an active part of the anti-tribal forces in the state of 
Washington for many years. You know his well known far rightwing 
connections and you know of his history of making racist statements.
Metcalf is using the Makah issued to arouse anti-Native hate for the 
purpose of eliminating Native treaty rights. 
  2. Why have you not denounced publicy the racist backlash, not only 
against the Makahs but also against all Native people! Why did you not 
hold a press conference after the bomb threat to Chief Leschi School
run by the Puyallups who are not even a whaling people, and demand an 
end to this harassment? 
  3. Why have you not denounced the signs and bumper stickers of 
some of your supporters that read 'SAVE A WHALE, HARPOON A 
  I believe that you have been trying to use anti-Native hate to win your 
issue and nothing you have done or said has shown me any reason not 
to believe otherwise.
  You claim to have the support of some Native people. How many 
Native organizations do you have backing your actions against the 
Makah? You have stated that you got a vision at Wounded Knee that
directed you in your work. Why don't you go back to South Dakota and 
sit down and talk to Leonard Crow Dog about your vision and what you 
have been doing to the Makahs? Have there been any AIM people who 
have joined you in your campaign against the Makahs? 
  You try to blame the Makahs for industrial whaling. Why would they 
wish to see something that caused them to stop whaling 70 years ago
come back again? You know full well that selling whale meat is illegal
and you have shown no one that the Makahs have tried to change that 
law. Blaming the Makahs for industrial whaling is like blaming the 
Lakota for those that almost wiped out the buffalo or the salmon people
for all the dams, sport fishing and commercial fishing. 
  The truth of your actions will be found in what I once heard you say;
"If the Makahs take a whale all Indian people will suffer". And though you 
hide behind your nice sounding words, more and more people are 
learning the truth of your real actions. And though your supporters have 
threaten me with legal action, and that "I will be dealt with", also the two 
nights of death threats that I received, you and your supporters will not 
be able to stop the truth of your action from being heard.
                                                         Arthur J. Miller 


Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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