And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Organization: The University of Michigan - Flint
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 09:29:26 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Dear Ms. Davids:

Thank you for contacting Hijos de Borinquen at  We
at Hijos de Borinquen share your outrage at the commemoration of the
genocide of the indigenous people of the Americas.  We do not endorse the
erection of this monument, but unfortunately, are not involved in the
design or development of this project.  We agree that there are worthier
figures in World History to honor that have made greater contributions to
human peace and our spiritual development as a people on this globe. 

In noting your outrage, we would like to inform you that you may be
outraged to hear of some of the unjust military practices that are being
inflicted upon the people of Puerto Rico.  To the protest of the people of
Puerto Rico, the US Marines is currently using live ammunition to stage
mock battles in Vieques, a tiny town in Puerto Rico.  One stray missile
used in this practice recently went off course, actually striking a home
and killing a Puerto Rican civilian.  Vieques is environmentally devastated
and its people have cancer rates twice the average in Puerto Rico.  While
we can not change the past nor revert the errors and atrocities committed
by individuals like Columbus, we do have control over the present.  Please
help us save our people in the name of human rights.  Please write or email
President Bill Clinton and tell him to cease using live ammunition in
staging mock military battles in Vieques.  Attached you will find a copy of
a recent newspaper article outlining the Vieques incident.  Please feel
free to forward this message along to your friends.

The People of Puerto Rico thank you.

Best regards,

Hijos de Borinquen

Errant Bombs Kill 1 in Puerto Rico  
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Two U.S. Marine jets dropped bombs on a lookout 
post at a remote training ground in Puerto Rico on Monday, killing one 
civilian and injuring four other men.  The two F-18 jets based on the USS 
John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier were on a night training run over Vieques, 
an island off the coast of Puerto Rico, at about 7:30 p.m., said Roberto 
Nelson, spokesman for Roosevelt Roads Naval Station. The Navy base operates 
the training ground in the U.S. territory.  Their bombs missed a target area 
and landed near the post where four civilian contractors and one military 
observer were working. The blasts killed one contractor.  The injured were 
flown to the Roosevelt Roads Navy base hospital, 20 miles away. They were in 
stable condition Monday night.  ``They were just in the area, doing their 
job, when this unfortunate accident occurred,'' Nelson said. ``We empathize 
and sympathize with the family of the deceased, and we will do a full 
investigation to see what happened here.''  The Navy would not identify the 
victims until family members had been notified.  Nelson said it was not 
unusual for airplanes to bomb at night at the site.  The U.S. Navy controls 
75 percent of Vieques for military maneuvers and weapons storage. The island 
is 21 miles long and four miles wide, located eight miles east of Puerto 
Rico.  Residents oppose the use of live munitions there, saying the frequent 
explosions disturb fishing grounds and thwart the island's efforts to attract 
tourism.  ``What happened is what for years they have been saying was going 
to happen,'' said Robert Rabin, who manages the Conde de Mirasol local 
history museum. ``Vieques lives under the continual danger that this type of 
situation will happen if the Navy makes a mistake in its bombardment from 
ships and airplanes.''  But Nelson defended the training ground's importance, 
noting that most of the Navy and Marine aircraft involved in the Kosovo 
conflict trained there.  ``All of those pilots who are in Kosovo have dropped 
live ordnance in Vieques,'' Nelson said. ``That is the importance of Vieques 
in this (Kosovo) operation.'' 

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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