And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I would like to share the following message with you.  In it, Susan makes 
two interesting suggestions.  The first is a kind of buddy system.  She 
 suggests that due to the potentially dangerous conditions on the land, 
that there be a way that contact can be maintained so that we can be assured 
of the safety of the various supporters.  (BTW, I have updated my web page 
to include cell phone and satellite phone rentals by the day, week, or 
month.  There is even an option to connect a laptop computer, so you can 
keep us updated via the internet.  All you need is a credit card.) 

The second idea comes from her vision, and makes me think that perhaps 
we, as supporters, might try to establish an outreach program of communication 
with various spiritual leaders, informing them of the situation and asking 
for them to show solidarity with the Dineh.  This could be by their writing 
letters, faxes, etc, as we supporters have done, to public figures,
and the news media.  Also, with the elders permission of course, they might 
be invited to Big Muntain.  There has just been the sundance.  Perhaps 
some spiritual convocation of all faiths could be organized to converge 
on Big Mountain.  This, of course, would be a major media event.  These 
are just some of my thoughts that got triggered by Susan's message.  Maybe 
some of you with more organizaional experience than I have, and the
contacts with the elders and the other spiritual leaders from various faiths 
could pick up the ball on this.  However, it would be important to have 
everyone working on this be coordianted and working together, and not have 
several individuals or groups with different agendas getting in each other's 
way.  The first step is to approach the elders with this idea, so for those 
of you planning a trip to Big Mountain, or if you are in contact with people 
there, please convey this idea to the Dineh elders.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Susan Bates)
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 00:03:51 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Vision

I know how hard you are working for the Dine'h. We share the urgency and
are doing what little we can for them. But time is running out and I'm
not optimistic that all the e-mails and marches in the world will have
any effect on the greed of Peabody Coal Co. and the US Government. I
have been worried about Marsha Monestersky and all the other elders and
workers who are in the trenches. With so much to lose, killing a loud
mouth activist or 2 would not matter much to people of this calibre.
That is why I want to make sure some of us know where these people are
at all times and I want others to know we are watching them. Maybe it
won't matter, but a small safety net is better than none. The real
reason I am writing to you is to tell you about this vision I keep
having. Three times it has come. I feel led to share it with you. In my
vision I see Holy people of all denominations walking into Black Mesa.
There are Christian ministers. Catholic Priests, Jewish Rabbis, Monks,
Medicine Men, Shamen, and even the Dali Lama. These holy people come and
stand with the elders and the others and refuse to leave until the Final
Solution is no longer an option. 
Non - vioence is the only way and even if we did have guns the
government has bigger and better weapons and they don't have to put out
a call on the internet for people to come and shoot them. 
It would make little difference of our decomposed bodies were found by
the side of the road, but if a man of Billy Graham's stature or the Dali
Lama were to stand up for the right, that would be a little harder to
deal with.
I don't know what I expect from you....Nothing probably. But this won't
leave me alone and I know how much you care for the People.

Gu's di - o's da da dv' hni, (We are all related) Susan 

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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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