And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 08:05:53 -1000
Subject: UNPO MONITOR 26 JULY 1999                                       

17th WGIP 7/27/99

Indigenous Relatives and Supporters:

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization

Monitor Working Group on Indigenous Populations

17th Session 26 July - 30 July

Disclaimer: This monitor is not an official transcript of the Working
Group, but represents substantially what was communicated during the
meetings. UNPO appologizes for any inacuracies. If you have corrections,
comments or suggestions please contact the UNPO Secretariat in Room A 388.

Monday July 26, 1999
Day 1, Morning session

1. Chief Branch of Research and Right to Development OHCHR Mr. J. Pace: Due
to large number of participants not everyone is seated. The secretariat is
looking for more seating capacity. Said he is representing the HCHR and has
the honour and pleasure to declare open the 17th session of the WGIP. This
session has once again shown the momentum that this WG has generated. The
fact that there are over 1000 persons participating is proof of the
momentum. He would like to share with this meeting the way in which the
HCHR perceives the role of the work generated within its mandate and
entrusted to its office. It will be recalled that HCHR has as backbone as
its ultimate objective. This backbone is the realisation of the
international bill of human rights and the Charter of HR. Human rights
efforts must be directed towards giving real meaning to the charter. The
WGIP is a key sector in this effort in enabling the protection of
minorities, protection against discrimination and the right to development.
For the last 17 years, this sector has built momentum which manifests
itself not only in the fact that 1000 people are participating, but in all
that this WG stands for: the selection of the right agenda on IP; work on
the permanent forum in Vienna; work on the draft declaration over the last
decade; on the IP decade; and other work which is being carried out as we
talk. We have before us a key part of a gigantic process of what the UN set
as target when it adopted the charter. We have made it clear that the
international community of governments and member states can interact with
communities and interest groups in a common endeavour to realise the
contents of the international Bill on Human Rights. He hoped that those who
were present 17 years ago share a sense of achievement at what has been
accomplished. Those who have just begun work might share a sense of
frustration at what remains to be done. HR work is rich with a component of
frustration. This WG is a rich source of energy. At OHCHR it is thought
important to share how we see our work, and emphasise that this work will
not end on 30th July. We will continue to build. It is your job to see that
we keep on the right track. Therefore, he would like to declare open this
working group in order to enable the group to elect a chairperson for this

2. WG Expert Mr. A. Martinez: Thanks chair nominates Ms E.I.Daes as
chairperson. Praised the qualities Ms. Daes he limited himself to putting
forward her candidature.

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