And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "Victor Rocha"
Honeymoon Has Ended for Indian Affairs Chief
William Clairborne
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 5, 1999; Page A3 

CHICAGO, Aug. 4 Nearly two years have passed since Kevin Gover, an Oklahoma Pawnee 
Indian with a keen political sense and a strong record of defending Native American 
interests, became the Clinton administration's top Indian official with the universal 
approval of tribal leaders. 

During that time, the tribal heads largely have adhered to an unwritten code of 
silence that has forbidden public criticism of Gover's leadership of the 
long-beleaguered Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Although they would speak out against 
federal Indian policy--and occasionally would take Gover to task on narrow issues in 
private--the tribal leaders have generally refrained from attacking him in public. 

But that stance has changed. For the first time in his tenure, Native American leaders 
across the country have begun to openly express a loss of confidence in Gover. They 
are criticizing him on issues ranging from the distribution to Indian reservations of 
money appropriated by Congress to what they say are Gover's attempts to thwart the 
adoption of new tribal constitutions and tribes' efforts to increase self-governance 
on Indian lands. 

The native leaders also are unhappy with what they say are BIA obstacles to the 
tribes' attempts to purchase land off their reservations and put it under federal 
trust. In addition, they are complaining about Gover's strident defense of the BIA, 
which is part of the Interior Department, in the face of evidence that over the years 
the agency has mishandled billions of dollars in natural resource royalties that have 
accumulated in trust accounts created to compensate Indians for the exploitation of 
their land. 

"We are at the point where the honeymoon is over and the gloves are off," said Ron 
Allen, president of the National Congress of American Indians, the nation's largest 
Native American organization. "It's no more 'Brother, we are with you, no matter 
what.' " 

Allen has steadfastly refused to criticize Gover publicly in the 20 months since the 
Senate confirmed him. But in a recent interview, he said Gover had become "insensitive 
in terms of working with the tribes" and was using his involvement as a defendant in a 
lawsuit alleging mismanagement of the $2.5 billion Indian trust fund as a "shield" for 
not being as accessible to tribal leaders as he once was. 

"We have great appreciation for his intellect. The problem is, his actions don't match 
his rhetoric," said Allen, a member of the Jamestown S'klallam tribe in Washington 
state. Gover, a former lobbyist and lawyer representing Indian interests, said he was 
aware of the rising chorus of criticism but insisted the tribal leaders do not have 
the same national perspective that he has acquired since coming to Washington. 

"Given the long, sad history of federal Indian policy, there's no reason in the world 
that they should sit back and say, 'Trust me,' " Gover said. "I accept the criticism 
as a price of making decisions, and I intend to keep making decisions. I work for the 
United States government; I don't work for the tribes now." 

Gover added, somewhat wryly, "There's not a terribly long shelf life to this job 

A recurring complaint among tribal leaders is the BIA's failure to meet an April 1 
deadline for drafting a compromise plan that would revise federal funding formulas to 
take into account the economic self-sufficiency of tribes that are better off because 
of casinos. 

A compromise agreement between Gover and Sen. Slade Gorton (R-Wash.), the Senate's 
staunchest opponent of tribal sovereignty, called for the BIA and the tribes to work 
out a fair redistribution formula by April 1. The tribal leaders met the deadline for 
their proposals, but the BIA has yet to submit its recommendations, prompting fears 
among many Indians that Congress may simply authorize Interior Secretary Bruce 
Babbitt, Gover's boss, to arbitrarily disburse Indian appropriations. 

"The BIA is great at setting deadlines but not so great at following deadlines," said 
Ben Hinmon, tribal council leader of the Saginaw-Chippewas of Michigan, one of the 
most politically and economically influential tribes in the country. "There is a great 
lack of confidence in the administrative ability of Kevin Gover here and among tribes 

The tribal council leader also criticized Gover for hindering the Saginaw-Chippewa 
tribe in its effort to draft a new tribal constitution allowing it to better address 
economic development and land management issues. 

Other Saginaw-Chippewa officials complained that under Gover, the BIA had placed 
obstacles in the way of the tribe's efforts to place newly purchased land into federal 
trust status, thereby making it part of the reservation and exempt from state 
jurisdiction. Tribal attorney Richard Monette said the obstacles resulted from 
pressure from state governors. 

"There obviously was a lot of pressure, but the bureau has a responsibility to help 
tribes put land into trust. Instead of being an advocate for the tribes, they are 
being a hurdle," Monette said. 

Gover said the tribes had raised "a number of legitimate points" about the 
land-into-trust issue and said there was a need to change the regulations. He said 
that there are hundreds of pending off-reservation land acquisition applications, and 
that while he favors trust status for land adjacent to existing reservations, he is 
against granting such status for faraway parcels sought by tribes mostly for casino 

Mamie Rupnicki, chairman of the Prairie Band of Potawatamie Indians in northeastern 
Kansas, who worked closely with national Indian leaders on the tribes' allocation plan 
for congressional appropriations, said Indians had "high, high hopes" when Gover was 

"Those hopes have been shot down, and I'm very angry," Rupnicki said. "A majority of 
tribal leaders are disappointed. Who is [Gover's] loyalty to, the tribes or the people 
who are paying his salary?" 

Rupnicki said she had made two trips to Washington at her expense to work on an 
appropriations allocation plan that tribal leaders believed reflected the needs of the 

"First they said we were just advisers. Now it appears [Babbitt] can arbitrarily 
determine the tribes' funding, which could be based on means testing," added Rupnicki, 
whose tribe operates a successful casino and stands to lose funding if means testing 
is applied. 

Gover said he and Babbitt are opposed to means testing, and he accused the tribes of 
refusing to deal with the issues of how much financial information they should 
disclose and what impact their wealth should have on the allotment of federal aid. 

Gover said that he would "plead guilty" to missing the April 1 deadline on the 
allotment plan but that the BIA report is finished now and will soon be distributed to 
all tribes. 

George Bennett, chairman of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of 
northern Michigan and vice president of the Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes, said 
that although he appreciates Gover's efforts to overcome a lack of attention in 
Congress to Indian affairs, the BIA has been inconsistent in analyzing reservations' 
funding needs. 

Some Indian leaders, though critical of the BIA, said they have sympathy for Gover 
because of the problems he faces correcting deficiencies that have existed for 

"Kevin can't meet the expectations of Indian country because he can't convince his 
boss to help us progress," said Charles Tillman Jr., principal chief of the Osage 
Nation in Oklahoma, referring to Babbitt. "Every time we get a new assistant 
secretary, we wind up with someone who becomes a puppet for the secretary because that 
is the policy that is set above his head." 
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