And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 23:38:55 EDT
Subject: Please sign-on to Shut down the Mohave Generating Station

To the Big Mountain list,

This is a Sign-on letter for organizations that Action Resource Center (ARC) 
has been circulating to shut down the Mohave Generating Station.  Please 
indicate if your organization wishes to sign-on and send your endorsement to 
Kim at ARC, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This sign-on will be presented at a meeting with DWP on Friday, August 13, 

Thank you for your support,
Marsha Monestersky
Consultant to Sovereign Dineh Nation

Sign On Letter to Shut Down the Mohave Generating Station
We, the undersigned, demand that the coal-fired Mohave Generating Station 
(MGS) in Laughlin, NV be immediately shut down for the following reasons:
1 - MGS is one of the largest emitters of global warming gases in North
2 - MGS is also the largest unregulated source of Sulfur Dioxide emissions
in the United States.  It has no scrubbers and is currently being sued by
the Grand Canyon Trust and the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club for 
violations of the Clean Air Act. MGS is also under investigation for
violations of the public health and clean air standards by the EPA.
3 - MGS is solely fueled by Peabody Western Coal Company's Black Mesa coal 
mine, via a 273-mile long slurry line.  The pipeline uses 3 million gallons 
of pristine water everyday, depleting the N-aquifer.  The pipeline is 
draining the wells of the Dineh (Navajo) and Hopi tribes on Black Mesa and 
endangers the water supply of all people.  The slurry line is the only one of 
its kind in the world.  It transports a 50/50 mix of water and crushed coal.  
The coal-water mix increases the air pollution impact of the plant;
4 - MGS is impacting not only the local communities where the coal is
extracted, processed and burned, but also a much larger community that is
impacted by the air pollution, as well as our precious national treasure,
the Grand Canyon.  The EPA recently released a report, citing MGS as one of
the single largest contributors to the decreased visibility over the Grand
5 - Peabody's coal, part of which feeds the MGS, is one of the underlying
reasons for the forced relocation of the Western Dineh, living on the Hopi
Partition Land.
For all of the reasons outlined above, we, the undersigned, have determined 
that the MGS is a threat to public health, the environment and the human 
rights of the Dineh.
Groups so far signed on
National Lawyers guild - LA Chapter
Project Underground
Sovereign Dineh Nation
Action Resource Center
Sol Communications
Ballona Valley Preservation League
Office of the Americas - Theresa and Blasé Bonpane
Project Mahe
American Lands Alliance
Rainforest Action Network
David Brower - Earth Island Action Group - Earth Island Institute
Ed Begley Jr.
A C T I O N   R E S O U R C E   C E N T E R
Box 2104, Venice, CA 90294
310.396.3254 (voice) * 310.392.9965 (fax)

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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