And now:LISN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The Ottawa Citizen Online:

Native Fishermen Want RCMP Protection:
Two Sides Seek to Ease Tensions

Rick Mofina
The Ottawa Citizen

Native warriors in combat
fatigues patrolled the local
wharf in shifts yesterday as the
drama over the backlash to a
Supreme Court ruling
upholding ancient aboriginal
fishing rights continued to

The tension was palpable as
stakeholders prepared to meet
today to struggle to find a
solution in the wake of a
weekend of violence that saw
non-native fishermen destroy
the lobster traps of native
fishermen in northeastern New

The natives of the Burnt
Church reserve, who were hit
by Sunday's attacks, appeared
set to defy any attempt by the
federal government to close
the fishery or get a suspension
of last month's Supreme Court
ruling, which gave some of
them the right to fish in the
off-season without licences. 

Late last night, there were
reports that a non-native
residence near the reserve had
gone up in flames, but it was
not immediately clear whether
the incident was related to the
fishing controversy. 

Warriors patrolled the wharf area in pickup trucks while others warmed
themselves by an outdoor fire. While RCMP officers came and went, fires
were also being tended in a handful of teepees near the water, which
glowed like lanterns in the dark. 

If the Chretien government follows through on such talk, "I think most
of our people will go fishing anyway," said Alex Dedam, controller of
the Burnt Church reserve." 

They would do so on the basis of their treaty rights, which the Supreme
Court upheld, and "we'll see what happens," Mr. Dedam added. 

Despite fears of more clashes with non-natives, native fishermen
continued to fish yesterday, asking the RCMP for protection in the event
of any conflicts. 

The native warriors who guarded fishing boats were unarmed and have been
called upon to act as peacekeepers. 

"This is not Oka," said Mr. Dedam. "The chief asked them to play a
peacekeeping role to ensure the safety of people exercising their rights
under the treaty." 

Mr. Dedam said Mohawks from Quebec offered to help provide additional
security to the band, but the Mohawks were told they weren't needed at
this time. 

Federal Fisheries Minister Herb Dhaliwal is expected to meet today with
native and non-native fishermen and provincial ministers with the aim of
finding a solution to the crisis. 

Yesterday, he threatened to shut the East Coast lobster fishery if a
compromise is not reached "in the next few days" to end the violence
between natives and non-native fishermen. 

On Sunday, non-native fishermen vandalized native lobster traps and
their catches. 

Three natives were also injured in confrontations with non-natives and
on the reserve there were threats that if charges weren't laid natives
would take it upon themselves to get even. 

Mr. Dhaliwal warned yesterday that the Supreme Court ruling recognizing
the right of native people to fish and hunt during the off-season does
mean that they can now flout all fisheries laws. 

But the government's apparent failure to prepare for the fallout from
court ruling has created a credibility problem for Mr. Dhaliwal, who is
jokingly referred to be some in the region as "Dilly-dallywall." 

"I don't think Dhaliwal knows what he's doing," said Mr. Dedam, who
added the government has been sending "mixed messages." 

Prime Minister Jean Chretien suggested yesterday that his government may
ask the Supreme Court of Canada to stay its Sept. 19 ruling, which
upheld a 1760 treaty and allowed some Maritime natives to fish
year-round, until the issues can be worked out. 

"It was disturbing," said Mr. Dedam. "Most of the people were shocked to
hear what the prime minister said." 

Any move to use legal or parliamentary avenues to suspend the ruling
send a dark message, said Chief Lawrence Paul, co-chair of the Atlantic
Policy Congress of First Nations chiefs. 

"It would show a further injustice," Mr. Paul said yesterday in advance
today's emergency meeting of the congress chiefs in Halifax to find a
consensus on how best to calm tensions in the Atlantic fishery following
the court ruling. 

"The eyes of the world are watching what Canada does now," Mr. Paul said
from Truro, N.S. 

He suggested that if the chiefs do not agree on a unified strategy
meeting with Mr. Dhaliwal, the federal government may go ahead and get
ruling suspended and order all boats off the water. 

"We would have to respect that," Mr. Paul said bitterly. "We don't have
the Russian army backing us. But it would be a dismal day for Canada." 

Mr. Dedam said a self-imposed fishing moratorium was discussed among the
Burnt Church band, which lives in an economically depressed area, but
such a measure was ruled out. 

"They felt they had waited too long for this ruling," Mr. Dedam said. 

In Moncton, N.B, non-native fishing groups met with federal fisheries
officials Monday in a bid to find a workable solution, said Ken Clark, a
lobster fisherman and city councillor for Miramichi, N.B. 

He decried Sunday's violence near Burnt Church, some two hours northeast
of Moncton. But he said the aim of the violence was to underscore
failure "to look closer at the situation. To that end, as terrible as it
was, it succeeded." 

Clark, who spoke as an independent non-native fisherman at Monday's
meetings in Moncton, said the discussions were aimed at "negotiating an
agreement with native fishers to get the traps out of the water and
subject them to similar restraints faced by commercial fishers."

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