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SOURCE: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor

Pennsylvania Gov. Ridge Signs Three Execution Warrants

HARRISBURG, Pa., Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge 
today signed warrants for the execution by lethal injection of Mumia 
Abu-Jamal of Philadelphia, Dennis Counterman of Lehigh County and 
Jerome J. Gibson of Bucks County.

Gov. Ridge set Abu-Jamal's execution for Thursday, Dec. 2, 1999.

In July 1982, Abu-Jamal was convicted of first-degree murder and 
sentenced to die for the Dec. 9, 1981, murder of Philadelphia Police 
Officer Daniel Faulkner, 25. Abu-Jamal was formally sentenced to death

on May 25, 1983. That judgment was upheld by the state Supreme Court 
on March 6, 1989. The U.S. Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's petition 
for a writ of certiorari on Oct. 1, 1990, and denied two subsequent 
petitions for rehearing.

On June 1, 1995, Gov. Ridge issued a warrant scheduling Abu-Jamal's 
execution for the week beginning Aug. 13, 1995. On Aug. 7, 1995, the 
Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas stayed the execution pending

the resolution of Abu-Jamal's Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) 
petition. On Sept. 15, 1995, the Court of Common Pleas denied post-
conviction relief. On Oct. 29, 1998, the state Supreme Court affirmed 
the denial of PCRA relief. The U.S. Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's 
petition for a writ of certiorari on Oct. 4, 1999, lifting the stay.

Abu-Jamal, 45, is an inmate at the State Correctional Institution 
(SCI) at Greene, Greene County.

Gov. Ridge set Counterman's execution for Tuesday, Dec. 7.

In February 1990, Counterman was convicted of first-degree murder and 
sentenced to die for burning his house and killing his three trapped 
sons -- Christopher, six years old; James, four years old; and Scott, 
10 weeks old. Counterman was formally sentenced to death on Dec. 6, 
1996. The state Supreme Court upheld that judgment on Oct. 26, 1998.

On Feb. 17, 1999, Gov. Ridge signed a warrant scheduling Counterman's 
execution for April 13, 1999. On March 12, 1999, the state Supreme 
Court stayed the execution pending the filing and resolution of 
Counterman's petition for writ of certiorari. The U.S. Supreme Court 
denied Counterman's petition for a writ of certiorari on Oct. 4, 1999,

lifting the stay.

Counterman, 39, is a prisoner at SCI Greene.

Gov. Ridge set Gibson's execution for Thursday, Dec. 9, 1999.

In March 1995, Gibson was convicted of first-degree murder and 
sentenced to die for the Sept. 29, 1994, murder of Robert Berger, a
year-old store clerk, during a robbery. Gibson was formally sentenced 
to death on Aug. 24, 1995. That judgment was upheld by the state 
Supreme Court on Nov. 17, 1998.

On March 9, 1999, Gov. Ridge signed a warrant scheduling Gibson's 
execution for May 6, 1999. On April 1, 1999, the state Supreme Court 
stayed the execution pending the filing and resolution of Gibson's 
petition for writ of certiorari. The U.S. Supreme Court denied 
Gibson's petition for a writ of certiorari on Oct. 4, 1999, lifting 
the stay.

Gibson, 41, is an inmate at SCI Greene.

Gov. Ridge now has signed 176 death warrants since taking office. 
Three have been carried out, the first executions in Pennsylvania 
since 1962.

For more information, contact Tim Reeves, Press Secretary of the 
Pennsylvania Office of the Governor, 717-783-1116.

SOURCE: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor

                                *  The Activist  *
  This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
      It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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