And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

sent by PierzingEyz..thanks..:)
forwarded for informational purposes only..contents have not been verified..

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 18:06:24 EDT
Subject: Indian Accounts Suit To Be Mediated

Indian Accounts Suit To Be Mediated
.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal judge on Thursday ordered a mediator to step in to help 
with settlement talks in a multibillion-dollar lawsuit over the government's handling 
of accounts for individual American Indians.

Federal officials and lawyers for the Indians have acknowledged they began discussions 
weeks ago to try to settle the lawsuit, which is seeking court-enforced changes to the 
way the Interior Department handles more than 300,000 Indian accounts now worth more 
than $500 million. Both sides agree the accounts have been mismanaged for decades, 
suffering from inconsistent or nonexistent record-keeping, poor investment choices and 
lax oversight.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth appointed George Washington University law 
professor Stephen Saltzburg as a mediator to oversee the settlement talks. Thursday's 
order from Lamberth requires both sides to report their progress on Nov. 1.

Lamberth's order requires that the talks be kept confidential.

The settlement talks represent a thawing in relations between both sides since this 
spring, when Lamberth held Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
head Kevin Gover and then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin in contempt of court for 
failing to turn over documents to the Indians. Babbitt has since said that fixing the 
problems with the accounts is a top priority.

AP-NY-10-14-99 1806EDT

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