And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: frieda werden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: I am sure that the following applies not only to West 
Virginia, but to Peabody Coal in Arizona at Big Mountain,, as well.
But, even if it is only specifically for West Virginia, it would set a dangerous
precident that would make it easier for other coal companies--specifically Peabody--
to trample on environmental laws. For this reason, especially, I believe it 
should be opposed.  --Bob Dorman]

From: Carolyn Johnson Citizens Coal Council <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Members & Allies of the Citizens Coal Council <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Urgent Action Alert
Date: Saturday, November 6, 1999
Please send faxes to President Clinton
Vice President Gore
and your US Senators
Your Immediate Action Needed to Defeat Special Favors for the Mining Industry

Please make one more big push!

As you know, the West Virginia coal companies have asked Senator Robert Byrd
(D-WV) to sneak words as a last-minute "rider" into a spending bill that
would excuse them from obeying the national clean water and coal mining
laws. A federal district judge has ruled that these laws must be enforced.
He said the new massive strip mines that remove entire mountains must not
dump hundreds of
millions of tons of mine waste into flowing streams.

Last week, we asked you to write President Clinton because a vote was
expected before the end
of the week. Your thousands of letters really slowed it down. Now we need
one more big push
before Tuesday, November 9, 1999.
This means we must convince at least 35 Senators to vote against the entire
bill and convince
President Clinton to veto it.Your Senators and the President need to hear
from thousands of us,
now! Below is information on how you can send your messages.
1. Mail, fax, call or e-mail President Clinton and Vice President Gore
immediately. (Remember, a
faxed letter has the greatest impact.) If you can, also do an e-mail.
President William J. Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington D.C. 20500
phone: 202/456-1414
fax:   202/456-2461

Vice President Albert Gore
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington D.C. 20500
phone: 202/456-2326
fax:  202/456-2461

Here are three arguments to make in your message to President Clinton and
Vice President Gore::

- Oppose the Byrd rider on coal strip mining and veto any bill it's attached
to. The West Virginia
coal companies want it so they can pollute more streams by dumping millions
of tons of mining
waste. Don't let them destroy more mountains, homes, forests and wildlife.
We're counting on you
to say NO to any anti-environment rider.

- Fulfill your long-standing promise to clean, restore and protect our
nation's waters. Don't
bulldoze the Clean Water Act and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation
Act and other 
environmental laws. Passage of the Byrd rider invites every special interest
group to get an
exemption from any federal environmental law it doesn't like. We need the
protections in these
laws and I don't want them ignored in my state.

- Do the right thing! Your veto will uphold our Constitutional and
democratic processes.
Attaching riders to spending bills upsets the checks and balances that the
founders of our nation
so wisely established.  

2. Call the Senators of your state by dialing the U.S. Capitol Switchboard
at 202-224-3121 and
ask to be connected to their office. If you have their fax number, please
fax them a letter.

Here is the message to give them:

- Urge them to vote against any spending bill that contains Senator Byrd's
rider letting West
Virginia strip mines violate our clean water and mining control laws. Your
"no" vote will uphold
our Constitution.   

2. As always, ask members of the groups you belong to and your friends to
also contact the

The Citizens Coal Council is a national federation of 52 grassroots groups
working together for
clean water, safe homes and a healthy environment in the coalfields of 22
states and the Navajo
Nation. To contact us:
Carolyn Johnson, Staff Director            Jane Kochersperger, Communications
Dennis Short, Communications             110 Maryland Ave. NE, #408
1705 S. Pearl Street, #5                        Washington D.C. 20002
Denver, CO 80210                               202/544-6120  fax:202/544-7164
303/722-9119 fax: 303/722-8338         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frieda Werden

For more information on this on-going human rights crisis in the United States, visit 
my web page at 

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