And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        Anyone wishing more information about Penn State, let me know 
and I will give you my daughter's address, she is a graduate student 


Penn State offers fellowships for American Indian education programs


Penn State is offering graduate fellowships to American Indian and 
Alaska Native
students interested in either of two programs: master's level 
training in special education
or doctoral level training in special education or educational administration.

Both programs are affiliated with Penn State's recognized American 
Indian Leadership
Program. The fellowships are supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of

Applications for both programs are now being accepted. For the 
master's program,
previous credentials in education or special education are preferred, 
but are not

The deadline for submitting applications is Nov. 20 for Spring 
Semester 2000 and April
20 for Fall Semester 2000. The fellowship includes a monthly stipend 
of approximately
$1,000 per month, tuition, textbooks and relocation allowances.

Dr. Anna Gajar, professor of special education, and Dr. John 
Tippeconnic III, professor
of education, are co-directors of the programs. For more information 
contact Dr. Gajar,
226B Moore Building, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-2284; or Dr.
Tippeconnic, American Indian Leadership Program, 207 Rackley 
Building, University
Park, PA 16802; or at (814) 863-1626.
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