And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subject: United Native Americans Press Janet Reno to Reopen Peltier File

It's 1999, why is Leonard Peltier still in prison???

Growing Push Towards Clemency
(Washington DC) The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, in conjunction with
the Canadian organization, Assembly of First Nations and the National
Congress of American Indians, today, requested a meeting with US Attorney
General Janen Reno to discuss the status of the Leonard Peltier case.
"Before Waco there was Peltier.  The FBI has been involved in high-level
intrigue over the years and Leonard is a victim of this same unguided and
misuse of power.  We want direct answers and we want them now, stated Gina
Chiala, of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

Representatives from the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, the Assembly of
First Nations, the National Congress of American Indians will hold a press
conference at the foot of the step of the Department of Justice, Friday,
November 12, 1999 at 10 a.m.  Amnesty International and Rainbow PUSH have
been invited to voice their support.  This assembly, representing more than
6 million Native Americans in the US and Canada, will declare their united
support for the immediate and unconditional release of Peltier from
Leavenworth and state their demands of Attorney General Janet Reno.

In addition, a confidential and until now suppressed document, authored by a
former member of the Canadian Parliament will be released.  Attesting to the
illegality of Peltier's extradition in 1975, this document implies that the
manner by which Peltier was extradited was neither consistent with US nor
Canadian law.  This document only adds to the mounting evidence that
suggests Peltier is the victim of government misconduct.  Further, it is
consistent with other evidence that compels the likes of Nelson Mandela, the
Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and other world leaders to call for
Peltier's release.  This new and compelling evidence from Canada proves that
Leonard Peltier definitely has not received justice.

Convinced that the growing evidence of government misconduct will lead to
the release of Peltier by way of clemency, parole, or pardon, Chiala
concluded, "We know that the US unfairly targeted and prosecuted Leonard
Peltier and evidence revealed over the years has only further substantiated
this claim.  Freedom for Leonard is coming".

Please continue to call, write, fax the White House and your congressperson
and senators.  We need to let them know that Leonard needs to come home
Thanks for your support.

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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