And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

November 14, 1999
Grassy Narrows, ON:  How Much is a Whole Nation Worth?
by Jan Braun

"In our culture we don't say good-bye," said a trapper as we ended our stay
at Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishnabek (Grassy Narrows First Nations).

This trip to Grassy Narrows in September was a follow-up to CPT's
fact-finding visit in May 1999. Since then the Ontario Minister of the
Environment has rejected the community's application for a review of
Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.'s 20-year plan for clear-cut logging on
Asubpeeschoseewagong land. The community is frustrated but still determined
to regain control over its own resources even if that requires confrontation
and blockades.

One Anishnabek man spoke to us for half an hour without stopping. I know
that I was not the only member of our group who left his yard feeling numb
and stunned at the same time.  He drove the point home that the abuses
wrought by residential schools, logging, and mercury poisoning still cut

  "I'm a terrible father. I don't know how to be a father. I'm not like
you--you lived with your mom and dad. I never knew my mother until I was 30.
At school I had a kind of family. I read about them in a book. There were
three kids Sally, Dick and Jane, and two pets, Spot and Puff."

  "I've seen the Bible used by the Ku Klux Klan, by all kinds of people. I
could get the Bible to justify me to hate people. The "corporates" go back
to the Bible to subdue and undo the land.  They're terrible liars. I hate

  "At the environmental conference in Ottawa they asked us to tell our
'success' stories.  I told them that we hang our fish upside-down until the
barometer drops. When the mercury drops to the bottom we cut their heads
off. That's our 'success' story." [The waters and fish around Grassy Narrows
are still poisoned by tons of mercury dumped by a local pulp mill].

  "Thomas Aquinas School spilled eight ounces of mercury and the government
sent all kinds of people to get rid of it. They shut down the whole school
for a week. There's 50 tons of mercury in our river and it took the
government 30 years to even admit it. They've done nothing to remove it.
We're worth nothing."

"[Singer] Anne Murray was near a Coke bottle when it exploded and she was
struck in the leg with a glass splinter. She sued Coke for 48 million
dollars. Grassy received 8 million dollars in compensation for the mercury
in our water. How can one white woman be worth more than a whole nation of
people? Not that money is the answer, but it says something."

Enough said.

The Sept. 28-29 delegation to Asubpeeschoseewagong included Jan Braun
(Osler, SK),  Lisa Martens (Brandon, MB), Doug Pritchard (Toronto, ON), and
Matt Schaff (Winnipeg, MB).

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among Mennonite and Church of
the Brethren congregations and Friends Meetings that supports violence
reduction efforts around the world.

Contact CPT Canada, PO Box 72063, 1562 Danforth Ave, Toronto ON TEL
416-421-7079/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or CPT, POB 6508/Chicago, IL 60680, TEL 312-455-1199 FAX  To receive news or
discussion of CPT issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on our WEB page
Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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