And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Native America Calling PROGRAM SCHEDULE for November 15-18,

Listen LIVE Online from 1-2pm EST
NAC website:

Native America Calling PROGRAM SCHEDULE for November 15-18, 1999

MON - 11/15: Zapatistas Speak Out:
The ongoing struggle of the Zapatistas and other indigenous groups with the
Mexican government continues to escalate in and around the Chiapas region.
We will bring you an update on the human rights situation in Mexico and we
will also visit with Rosalinda Santis Diaz of the Kinal Antzetik Women's
Cooperative in San Cristobal, who is touring the U.S.

TUE - 11/16: Just Check Native on the Census:
The U.S. Census Bureau has produced a national advertising campaign to avoid
having the Native American population undercounted, as it was in 1990. And
Native people who are familiar with the Census are saying "Just Check
Native" on the form. Why? Tune in and find out. Guests include Curtis
Zunigha of the Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma.

WED - 11/17: Native Community Video Libraries:
Taos Talking Pictures and other organizations have helped launch two new
video libraries at Taos Pueblo. They consist of 25 films, accompanied by
study guides, intended to address concerns about the lack of distribution
for socially conscious films and videos. How can this educate the public
about Native issues? Guests include Jason Silverman, artistic director of
Taos Talking Pictures.

THU - 11/18: Indian Child Welfare Act Update:
New legislation is pending concerning ICWA and Native leaders fear proposed
amendments will lead to more Indian Babies being placed into adoptive homes
or foster care. How can Native America stop our Indian children from being
displaced from their home and culture? Guests include Gil Vigil, director of
social services for Tesuque Pueblo of New Mexico.
Eric Martin
American Indian Radio On Satellite (AIROS) Director of Distribution

"Rock n' Roll is based on revolutions going way past 33 1/3."
         -- John Trudell, Baby Boom Che


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