And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tim Hundsdorfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replies:
 From today's Colorado Daily

Means to testify Denver press event prompts developments in Anna Mae murder case

                         By BRIAN HANSEN
                         Colorado Daily Staff Writer
                       Renowned American Indian Movement activist Russell Means has 
been subpoenaed to testify before a Sioux Falls, S.D., federal grand jury that is 
believed to be hearing evidence pertaining to the still-unsolved murder of AIM 
activist Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash, the Colorado Daily has learned.

Means, who recently held a press conference in Denver at which he publicly denounced 
the individuals who he believes killed Anna Mae, could not be reached for comment by 
press time Monday.

But Anna Mae's cousin Robert Pictou-Branscombe, who joined Means on Dec. 3 at the 
Denver press conference, said he's encouraged by the development.

"I think this is all coming to a head," Branscombe said in a telephone interview from 
his Arizona home. "Russell is the straw that's going to break the camel's back."

According to Branscombe and Means, a Denver area "street person" was one of several 
individuals who collaborated in "kidnapping" Anna Mae from a Denver residence in 
December of 1975. Anna Mae's body was later found in a deserted area of the Pine Ridge 
Indian Reservation in South Dakota. She had been shot point-blank in the back of the 
head, execution style.

Branscombe, Means and CU professor Ward Churchill are among the legions of AIM 
activists and scholars who believe that the FBI is in some way culpable for Anna Mae's 
murder. For years, speculation has raged that Anna Mae was killed by AIM members who 
were convinced -- wrongly -- that she was an FBI informant who was going to disclose 
information damaging to the American Indian Movement. Others believe that she was 
killed by federal agents because she would not cooperate with the FBI's 
well-documented campaign to infiltrate and destabilize AIM during the 1970s.

Those rumors reportedly intensified after June 26, 1975, when two FBI agents -- and 
one Indian -- were killed in a firefight on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Had she lived, 
Anna Mae would have likely been called to testify at the trial of AIM activist Leonard 
Peltier, who was convicted of killing the agents and sentenced to two consecutive life 
terms in federal prison.

No one has ever been arrested or charged in conjunction with Anna Mae's murder. But in 
approximately 1994, according to the Daily's sources, law-enforcement officials became 
aware of new evidence that suggested that Anna Mae had been kidnapped from a Denver 
residence immediately prior to her murder.

Denver Police Detective Abe Alonzo, who was investigating the so-called "Denver 
connection" until just a few weeks ago, recently told the Daily that he can no longer 
discuss details of the case.

Branscombe is convinced that one of the individuals who took Anna Mae to her death 
still resides in the Denver area. And predictably, Branscombe's public allegations 
have brought him some not-so-desirable repercussions.

"Let's face it -- this is going to mess up some lives," Branscombe said of his 
campaign to find Anna Mae's killers. "I've been told that the target on my back is 
getting bigger, and that it's 'open season' on Bob Branscombe."

Still, Branscombe said he's convinced he's doing the right thing.

"At this stage, I feel like we've come forward enough where everybody knows there's a 
major interest in the case, and everybody wants it taken care of," Branscombe said. 
"This is the beginning of finally getting this case where it should be."

Means is scheduled to appear before the grand jury on Wednesday. He is expected to 
make a public statement after the proceedings.

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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