And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subject: Report and Urgent Action  -  Peltier Freedom Month
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:01:40 -0600
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Title: Report and urgent action-Peltier Freedom Month

Call Janet Reno on Thursday, November 18!
Insist that she recommend executive clemency for Leonard Peltier
Insist that an investigation into the FBI misconduct both in the Peltier
case and the Pine Ridge Reign of Terror be carried out: 202-514-7566

Greetings friends, supporters, and family member s of Leonard Peltier.  It
is now November 15th and we are in the midst of the November Leonard Peltier
Freedom Month Campaign.  We know that you are doing your part because the
Clinton comments line operators say that they are receiving thousands of
calls.  Lets keep the momentum going for the days to come.

As planned, Peltier Freedom Month began as over 300 people gathered at the
Liberty Bell in Philadelphia where the Run for Freedom began.  Participating
in the run were Peltier family members and members of the MOVE organization.
Monday morning.

November 1st opened the campaign as survivors of the Pine
Ridge Reign of Terror courageously addressed the crowd of 200 people
gathered in Lafayette park.  Some spoke of their experiences while others
spoke about their commitment to gaining freedom for Leonard Peltier.
"Everybody really liked Leonard, he used to help us with whatever we needed.
We still need his help back at Oglala and we want him to come home,"  said
Rosaline Jumping Bull, life time resident of Oglala.  Other special guests
included Bill Muldrow, a former investigator of the Civil Rights Commission
and members of the Peltier family.  Mr. Muldrow substantiated the survivors
testimony as he spoke of his own findings in regard to the Pine Ridge reign
of terror.  The Peltier family expressed their need to have their father,
uncle, brother, and grandfather home where he belongs.  Media coverage
included CNN, CBS, AP press, Pacifica, and various free lance journalists.

Other highlights of events which followed included the sunrise ceremonies
lead by David Chief, the LPDC's spiritual advisor.  The ceremonies have been
carried out every day at 6:30am and everyday the prayer circle grows bigger.
Thousands of petitions collected by the LPDC have been delivered to
President Clinton, an average of 50 people have maintained a presence in
Lafayette Park daily, we carried out a very moving and informative event
during the honoring of Native Lives on November 3rd, and hundreds have
gathered for special events such as Unity Day which was held on  November

On November 9th the Youth for Justice made their elders proud as they
thanked them for doing their part and explained that they were ready to
carry on what they had begun.  As the park police attempted to shut down the
event, the Native youth quickly went from rap and punk rock to traditional
singing as they stood their ground and waited for the sound to be returned.
In continuation of the Leonard Peltier Organizing Conference held last June,
Peltier Freedom Month has also helped to unite people together and build up
the network to gain freedom for Leonard Peltier. We have been building ties
with local church leaders, NGOs, and support group members who are coming to
DC to help us carry out the planned programs.

On November 12th the Assembly of First Nations (Canada) and the National
Congress of American Indians, the two largest Native organizations in North
America, came together to show their support for Leonard Peltier's freedom.
With very short notice of the organizations' attendance, we requested an
emergency meeting with Attorney General Janet Reno.  Though we were told by
the Justice Department that such a meeting would be unlikely, we went to the
Justice Department in person.  After a considerable amount of negotiating,
we were able to meet with the Deputy Director of Tribal Justice, Jackie
Agtuca.  The AFN, NCAI, and the LPDC informed her about the unanswered
clemency petition, FBI misconduct and the need for investigations, Leonard
Peltier's health, and we made an over all plea for Janet Reno to recommend
that Leonard Peltier be released through executive clemency.  Jackie Agtuca
seemed to listen to our concerns as she took down pages of notes.  She
informed us that she would be attending a monthly meeting with Janet Reno
directly after meeting with us and she promised to give her a report.  This
Thursday, November 18 we will be picketing the Justice Department with the
placards containing the names of all of those who were murdered during the
reign of terror.  You can help us insure that Janet Reno addresses our
concerns by calling her on Thursday while we carry out our demonstration.
Tell her to recommend executive clemency to Leonard Peltier and to hold the
FBI accountable for their misconduct and wrongdoing in the Peltier case and
on Pine Ridge overall.

Once again the FBI is attempting to counter our actions by taking out ads in
the Washington Post and other media sources, making our work just a little
more challenging.  We must continue the campaign to spread the real facts of
the case and show that the FBI has no case at all.

Thank you for all of your work, let's keep the momentum building until
Leonard Peltier is free!

The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

It's 1999, why is Leonard Peltier still in prison???

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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