And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[note: some addresses blind copied]

A bit of background as accurate as I can make it..for further questions please contact 
Eric Brunner at the e-mail address below.
With WTO scheduled the end of this month in Seattle, intellectual property rights, as 
well as indigenous right to protect are up for discussion.  The following 
organization, ICANN, is the organization which assigns domain names, top level domain 
names such as, .gov, .us. .UK, .CA, .org, .com, .net, etc.  At this time tribal 
entities either fall under commercial domain or .org or .net.  There is no recognition 
in cyber space that they are sovereign nations, no right to protect their names in 
this region.  
ICANN has called for comments on indigenous nation rights to be recognized as 
sovereign entities in cyber space.  so far there have been five people who have is simple.
Directions below on how to send you support for this will have long range 
international implications for the sovereign recognition of intellectual property wide.
You have the chance to support sovereignty..Please DO SO.

Subject: 2nd Call - ICANN comment period, Indigenous top-level domain
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 14:48:36 -0500
From: Eric Brunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oki all,

Steve Russell, Ishgooda, Laurie Anne Whitt, MarthaET, and Link Shandley
are the only ones who have commented supporting Position Paper E. Is it
the case that a) there are only 5 Indians and Allies using the Net, or
b) Tribal Soverignty, Intellectual Property, Commerce, and Culture ought
not extend to the Internet, or c) something else?

To show support simply send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
subject line "I support Position Paper E". In the body of the mail you
may add any comment you like -- Indians have been trying to get a TLD
since 1992, now is when we can get one, but a lot of support needs to
be shown.

Please forward this as widely as possible. The comments period closes on
December 1st. 

The original of 17 November follows,


 >The announcement below went out today. I'd like to get as large a number
 >of people writing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message that they
 >support Position Paper E -- our proposal.
 >Position Paper E advocates the creation of a gTLD to be delegated to and
 >operated by the Indigenous Nations and Peoples of North America.
 >Position Paper E may also be found at the following URL:
 >To show support simply send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
 >subject line "I support Position Paper E". In the body of the mail you
 >may add any comment you like -- Indians have been trying to get a TLD
 >since 1992, now is when we can get one, but a lot of support needs to
 >be shown.
 >Please forward this as widely as possible.
 >------- Forwarded Message
 >Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:11:07 +0100 (MET)
 >From: DNSO Listadmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: [wg-c] Call for comments on the Interim Report from the WG-C, new gTLDs
 >[ To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], wg-b, wg-c, wg-d, wg-e]
 >Call for comments on the Interim Report from the WG-C, new gTLDs.
 >The WG-C Interim Report is open for two weeks public comments,
 >starting today November 17th, 1999, ending Wednesday, December 1th.
 >All comments shall be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], no later
 >no later than December 1th, 1999 (18:00 CET). Any mail sent to
 >any other e-mail address will not be considered.
 >The full WG-C document is rather long and cannot be posted
 >in a simple email. It includes 7 position papers.
 >Please read it at:
 >The full archives of the WG-C are on line at:
 >Th WG-C is co-chaired by Javier Sola, named by the NC (liaison
 >co-chair), and by Jonathan Weinberg, elected by the WG-C members
 >(working co-chair).
 >DNSO Secretariat
 >------- End of Forwarded Message

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